  • 學位論文


Improving the Performance of the 3D Structure Spunlace Nonwoven

指導教授 : 蕭明謙 林文崇 黃心亮


水針不織布是以經梳棉機梳理的短纖維網,應用上萬柱高壓細小水柱打擊纖維,使短纖維兩端與其他纖維相互糾纏交錯,形成特有的水針不織布,不藉任何化學黏合劑所製成的不織布,其具有柔軟、懸垂性好、吸濕、製程簡單、製造成本低等優點,是一種環保製程產品,廣泛用於嬰兒濕巾等擦拭布。水針不織布大多數以平面的糾纏方式,或用高壓水柱打出具孔型的打孔水針不織布,本研究應用獨特設計立体形態紋路的水針糾纏套筒,再以高壓細小水柱改變纖維網被糾纏的形態,使纖維間的糾纏形態因立体形態紋路的水針糾纏套筒而改變,製造出具有3D形態logo或圖案的立體水針不織布。 本文研究探討以水針不織布常用的polyester纖維及Rayon纖維,不同的纖維比率、不同製程製造參數條件、對不同立體圖案的水針糾纏套筒,所製造的立體水針不織布,其成形的厚度、吸水速度、吸水倍數及相關物性的影響。 研究結果有底層拖網結構成型模具,會改變糾纏效果,可使立體水針布成形後持續維持立體的效果,較不易因乾燥時纖維熱收縮而被拉平,製成抽取式濕巾成品,包裝後的厚度明顯較平面水針不織布多。研究有拖網的Rayon 30%, 45gsm立體圓點樣品,製成抽取式濕巾成品,靜置1個月後,含Rayon 30%圓點拖網立體的水針布,會明顯造成上層與下層含水率不同現象,較不適合應用在抽取式濕巾成品。Rayon 50% 及Rayon 70% 的濕巾樣品,上層與下層含水率差異較不明顯。立體水針不織布可增加外觀上的美感並增加抽取式濕巾成品厚度約20-40%,可提高消費者選買的意願。


Spunlace Nonwoven is manufacturing by high pressure water jets to entangle the staple fiber web that is formed by the carding machine. The staple fiber is entangled by more than eighty thousand water Jets. This spunlace process is clean & energy efficiency. The spunlace nonwoven is soft and uses for baby wet tissue. In spunlace process, the fabric usually is produced in the flat or apertured type. In this study, we use new special pattern with 3D structure mold sleeve to change the fiber entanglement. We study the fabric’s physical properties (fabric basis weight, thickness, tensile strength, elongation, absorption speed, absorption rate) by changing the composition of the fabric and the parameters of process and the 3D structure fabric mold sleeves. Found the better ways to control the process and design the products. The sleeve also can been designed to reproduce logos and artwork in three-dimensional designs with exceptional pattern shape and texture for wipes, medical or technical end-uses, which provides an efficient 3D patterning solution for spunlace nonwovens. In this study, the 3D structure fabric can keep 3D structure clearly by using the double structure mold sleeves after producing the fabric. One structure is for forming 3D structure and the other structure is for entangling the fiber within 3D structure pattern to keep more strong fibers entanglement after dryer. In this study, the 30% rayon 45gsm round fabric with the double structure producing the baby wet tissue with 15cm x 20cm 80pcs packing, the fabric’s water contain is different significantly after keeping one month. So the 30% rayon 45gsm round fabric is not suitable for the 80pcs packing baby wet tissue. The water contain is less different with 50% or 70% rayon 45gsm round fabric baby wet tissue.


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