  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Key Guidance about Inducting Outsourcing Strategy into Ship Logistics Maintenance

指導教授 : 張洝源


因應產業環境的改變及國際市場競爭日趨激烈,企業為了擴大規模、降低成本及減少風險,專注於企業核心競爭能力與持續競爭優勢,因此,外包策略已成為企業組織運作的重要趨勢。而近年來政府亦將國防工業外包給民間企業協助發展列為施政目標之一,因此在海軍各後勤修護廠所也逐步將非核心工種項目工程委由民間產業公司承包維修,以彌補超過工程負荷之缺口。本研究係以各艦艇修護廠在辦理有關艦艇維保外包作業過程中,讓管理者了解外包對整個維修案件的影響程度及關鍵性指標,才能有效地控管後勤維保品質,提昇整體效益為本研究之動機目的。 本研究透過相關文獻探討有關民間企業、艦艇維保導入外包策略重要評估準則,利用專家問卷調查方式及模糊德爾菲法、詮釋結構模型法找出艦艇後勤維保外包過程重要性因素及其相互關係,並運用分析網路程序法求得出各評估準則間相對權重值,其目的在使管理者與決策者能了解執行外包作業須注重那些關鍵性指標因素,並以階層結構圖及分析網路程序法建構模式協助管理者找出優先順序因素及相互關係權重值,以有效掌控全案,如質如期完工,並做為後續管理者及決策者衡量評鑑外包策略績效指標與未來精進方向。


For the changes of industry environment and gradually violent competition in international markets, enterprises focus on the capability of core competitiveness an important trend in operation of enterprises. And, one of the government’s policies is to assist developing civil companies for military industry outsourcing. So, the navy logistics maintenance factories authorize civil companies to take charge of outsourcing of non-core engineering to compensate for the shortage of overwhelmed loading. This study aims at making managers and decision makers know the influence degree and key guidance of the outsourcing strategy by analyzing the ship maintenance outsourcing authorized by navy logistics maintenance factories. This study discusses the evaluation criteria of outsourcing strategy inducted to civil enterprises and ship maintenance engineering by reviewing related documents. Using questionnaire designed by experts, Fuzzy Delphi Method and interpretive structural modeling, we finds out the important factors and their correlations in the process of ship logistics maintenance outsourcing. And, the relative weighted values of the evaluation criteria was calculated by Analytic Network Process. This study’s purpose is to make maintenance managers and decision makers notice the key guidance factors and to assist them to find out the priority of important factors and relative weighted values by demonstrating stratum's structure chart and Analytic Network Process. In this way the outsourcing would be under the control effectively and finished on time efficiently. Furthermore, the result of this study could provide the guidance about outsourcing strategy in improvement and performance evaluated by follow-up managers and decision makers.


