  • 學位論文


Optimization of Manpower Allocation for Fire Unit in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何信璋


台灣的消防人力有嚴重的長期缺乏現象,目前依據內政部92年所制定「直轄縣市消防機關員額設置基準」進行人力配置,但其並未將各轄區不同的消防人員勤務量以及災害發生數等等考量加入,所以利用有限的人力配置發揮最大的人力效能便為一重要課題。 本研究主要以多項不同因子:人口密度、各項救災出動人數、消防安全相關檢查數、各分隊消防車輛數和消防員薪資等等,各項救災出動人數以及消防安全相關檢查數為各分隊之工作量,以各分隊消防車輛數限制最低人數,配合人口密度計算每位消防人員所負責之工作量,並帶入各消防人員的薪資回報合稱綜合性人力成本,並利用基因演算法進行最小化分析,得出各分隊每日執勤人數最佳化。主要帶入新北市、台南市以及高雄市三縣市進行各五次基因演算法,計算其各分隊每日最佳值勤人數,並平均其結果,而此研究結果相較於104年政府的人力分配方法中,較佳的分隊人力效能可減少最多45.7%綜合性人力成本,新北市總平均減少7.3% 綜合性人力成本,7.3% 看似不多,實際每小時可減少42,330元的薪資支出,是一筆很大的數字。 本研究考慮多項不同因子進行人力分配最佳化研究,可以節省最多的綜合性人力成本並發揮最大的人力效能。


Taiwan's lack of firefighter manpower has a serious problem for a very long time, according to " Fire Engine, Equipment and Manpower Allocation Standards for the Municipality, County and City " regulated by Ministry of the Interior in 2013 for manpower configuration; however it did not take different areas of fire service personnel and the number of disasters into account. Therefore, using the limited manpower configuration to achieve the greatest allocation is an important issue. This study mainly based on a variety of different factors: population density, the number of disaster relief workers, the number of fire safety-related checks, the number of fire engines and firefighters and so on. The number of disaster relief and the number of fire safety-related checks will be the workload of each unit. The study will use the number of fire truck to be the baseline, with the population density to calculate of each firefighter’s workload, and bring into the firefighters ’salary, using Genetic Algorithm to optimize the daily attendance of each unit. We mainly use the genetic algorithm to calculate data from New Taipei City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City for 5 times to average out the best number of its people on duty. Finally the results can reduce up to 45.7% of combined labor costs. This study considers a number of different factors to optimize the allocation of human resources, compared to government manpower allocation method in 2015 can save the most combined labor costs and maximize the human effectiveness.


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