  • 學位論文


Optimization of tool geometry and grinding parameters for milling plastics

指導教授 : 李炳寅
共同指導教授 : 陳進益(Jenn-Yih Chen)


隨著科技產品日新月異,產品除了講求功能外對於外觀也相對要求,產品外觀能建立公司的識別度,也是吸引消費者購買的主因,就手機業來說金屬外殼單一的色調已無法滿足消費者,色彩豐富的塑膠殼更能吸引消費者的目光。本文實驗工件為聚碳酸酯,同時分為刀具幾何角度設計與研磨參數最佳化兩個部份,然而在銑削過程中,難免會因為控制因子的參數水準設計或受到誤差因素的干擾,而使得刀具切削壽命有所差異,因此本研究主要利用田口直交表配置不同的刀具幾何角度與研磨參數作切削,此因田口方法能夠有效的降低所耗費的時間與成本,而達到最高的實驗效率以增進製程的穩定性,同時實驗各因子間皆為獨立性,所以使用L9(32)與L32(21x49)直交表規劃各因子水準作實驗,依據結果進行變異數分析,接著使用灰關聯分析結合多目標轉換為單一目標,以求達到多目標之最佳因子組合。 由實驗結果進行變異數分析及灰關聯分析,經由驗證得知,刀具幾何角度設計以徑向切削角與徑向離隙角之角度為22度最佳,因塑膠較有彈性,故在設計時徑向離隙角角度不宜過小;影響研磨品質的關鍵為開槽砂輪粒度與拋光砂輪切深量,使用粒度高的砂輪能得到較佳的刃口鋒利度與較佳的表面粗糙度。


Owing to new technological advances, in addition to the functions of products, end users also relatively request the appearances which can build up the identity of companies. It is also the main reason to attract consumers to buy these products. In the mobile phone industry, the single color for the metal housings has been unable to satisfy the demands of consumers. The colorful plastic housings are more attractive to consumers. In this study, the experiments were divided into the design of tool geometry and optimization of grinding parameters, and the material of the workpieces is polycarbonate (PC). The Taguchi’s method was utilized for assigning different tool geometry and grinding parameters due to this approach could save the time and cost effectively. Furthermore, it could achieve high experimental efficiency to enhance the robustness of manufacturing processes. At the same time, the experimental control factors were all independent, so we applied the L9(32) and L32 (21x49) orthogonal arrays to design the geometric angles and grinding parameters, respectively. Based on the experimental results, in order to obtain the optimal combination of the factors, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the grey relational analysis were adopted to convert the multiple objectives to a single objective. The verification experiment shows that the optimal radial rake angle and clearance angle are both 22 degrees for the tool geometry design. Because plastics are more flexible, the radial clearance angle should not be too small. The grit size of grinding wheel for fluting and the depth of cut of polishing wheel are the main effects on the grinding quality. Appling fine grit wheels can obtain the sharp cutting edges and good surface roughness.


[6]Y. Sahin, 2005, “Optimization of testing parameters on the wear behaviour of metal matrix composites based on the Taguchi method,” Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 408, pp.1-8.
