

本研究主要係針對油壓馬達驅動之動力刀塔進行設計變更為伺服馬達驅動。數控車床伴隨加工件的日益複雜化、精度等級以及加工效率的提高,數控機床高速化、複合化、高精度化、綠色化已成為發展的趨勢。早期刀塔的動力源為了達到易於控制及降低成本的條件,多採用油壓分度馬達,而今爲了因應快速換刀的趨勢,在伺服馬達輸出功率以及材料強度有所提升下,油壓分度馬達逐漸被伺服馬達所取代。在進行設計變更時必須考慮原動力刀塔之零件位置、應力、以及動力源之功率、轉速等因素,進行刀塔內部齒輪、軸承等相關元件選用及尺寸變更。 本論文利用Solidworks繪圖軟體建立原有動力刀塔之模型以進行內部零件檢視並檢查各元件間干涉狀況。齒輪設計部份為參考美國製造者協會AGMA相關資料進行齒輪彎曲應力及接觸應力的計算並與Lewis齒輪應力公式與赫茲應力方程式之結果比較,並利用Ansys有限元素分析進行驗證,所得應力值則作為新設計之參考基準。最後並以Excel建立一齒輪設計相關模組,便於廠商日後更新調整。軸承的選配則依據各部件的重量與相關負載進行負荷計算,再從商用軸承型錄中選取適當的軸承規格。


伺服刀塔 AGMA 應力分析 齒輪


This research is mainly focused on the design modification of hydraulic motor driven power turret into servo motor drive. With the increasing complexity of the workpiece, the accuracy level requirement and processing efficiency, high-speed, high-precision, and green production are the main development trends for the CNC lathes. In the early stage, in order to control easily with and low cost, hydraulic indexing motor is popularly applied. Recently, in order to change the tool rapidly, servo motor is more popular than ever for the improvement of output power and material strength. In the process of design modification, the characteristics of the mechanical components, turrent rotation speed, and the required power are studied to choose the spectifications of the bearings and gears. In this study, the Solidworks is applied firstly to build up the model of the power turret. And then the interference check is followed. In the design of gears, Lewis equation, Hertz contact stress, finite elemend method, and AGMA standards are applied to investigate the bending stress and contact stress. The obtained results can be the reference in the new design of gears. At last, a module of gear design is established by Excel for the engineers to facilitate the updates or adjustments in the future. The selection of bearings is based on the load on the shaft and chosen from the comerical bearing catalog.


Servo power turret AGMA Analysis of stress Gear.


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