  • 學位論文


Using a micro-molding process to fabricate polymeric wavelength filters & Using H-PDMS to fabricate a grating with pattern of high aspect ratio

指導教授 : 何智廷


在本篇論文裡,主要的研究是透過微成形鑄造以及黃光微影製程來製造高分子濾波器。首先,全象術干涉技術是使用波長為325nm的氦鎘雷射去產生一個i-line光線,將此光線打在次微米的正光阻膜上時,可以得到一個附有週期結構的母膜。在正光阻劑上濺渡一層20nm的鎳金屬薄膜後可以從鑄件的母模上獲得一個擁有週期圖案的UV高分子材料,最後經由測量顯示出附有高深寬比光柵的波導其波導長度會減少。而另一方面,使用HPDMS能夠製作出深寬比較高的週期結構,在實驗中我們使用HPDMS當作翻模製程以及壓印製程中的模仁以獲得高深寬比的光柵結構,然後再將光阻上的光柵結構轉移至UV高分子材料上。最後透過原子力顯微鏡(Atomic force microscope AFM)量測儀器得知,光柵的深寬比可以高達0.8。


微成形 光柵 高分子


In this thesiss,a procedure for fabricating polymeric wavelength filters using holographic interferometry and molding processes is described. First,holographic interferometry using a He-Cd (325nm) laser was used to create the master of the periode line structure on an i-line sub-micron positive photoresist film.A 20nm nickel thin film was then sputtered on the photoresist. Final line pattern on a UV polymer was form from casting against the master mold. Finally,a SU8 polymer was spun on the polymer grating to form a planar waveguide. The measurement results were consistent with theoretical predictions. On the other hand,an h-PDMS could be used to obtain high aspect ratio gratings. in our experiment,we used an h-PDMS as a master mold to obtain a grating structure with a high aspect ration during the fabrication process,and then the structure was transferred to a UV polymer from h-PDMS. Finally,the aspect ration of grating can be reached up to 0.8 observed by AFM (Atomic force microscope).


micro-molding grating polymer H-PDMS


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