  • 學位論文


The New-Type Range Hood with Single Brushless DC Motor and Double Air Inlets

指導教授 : 鄭健隆


近年來直流無刷馬達的技術漸漸的提升,廣泛的使用在許多家用商品上,而排油煙機之中的感應馬達也慢慢的被取代了,相較之下其優點具有高效率、體積小及轉速操控佳等等,不僅可以節省更多的用電量,還可以讓廚房的噪音降低;本文運用了Ansoft Maxwell電磁場模擬軟體分析評估直流無刷馬達是否適用於排油煙機,同時也開發設計出馬達驅動器,使馬達在加上負載後可以有更穩定的轉速。 影響排油煙機性能的包括流道、風扇及馬達多種參數,其設計改良更顯得複雜及困難,流道及風扇的設計主要目的在於減少阻力獲得足夠的風量及風壓,而風扇的轉動必須有馬達的帶動,如何在受限的空間中設計馬達及驅動器,確保有足夠的轉速與轉矩是非常重要的一環。預先的馬達模擬與分析,將可節省很多的研發時間,本文針對感應馬達為主流的傳統排油煙機進行模擬與分析,其模擬結果有良好的一致性,證明模擬分析的效用。進一步針對甚具潛力的直流無刷馬達進行模擬與分析,其本文分析評估的結果可作為新式單馬達雙進風口直流無刷排油煙機開發之重要依據。


Brushless DC motor technology has gradually improved, and been broadly applied in many home appliances. Induction motors of range hoods have also slowly been replaced in recent years. In comparison, brushless DC motors have the advantages of high efficiency, small volume and good revolution control, which not can only save more power, but also reduce noise in the kitchen. The paper applied Ansoft Maxwell electromagnetic field simulation software to analyze and assess whether brushless DC motors are applicable for range hoods, and at the same time, the motor drivers are also developed and designed to provide the motors with more stable revolution after introducing a load. The parameters that impact the performance of range hoods include the flow channel, fan and motor, which have made improving the design more complicated and difficult. The major purpose of the flow channel and fan design is to reduce resistance and to obtain sufficient air flow and air pressure, and the rotation of the fan must be driven by a motor. How to design the motor and driver in a limited space to ensure sufficient speed and torque is a very important issue. The pre-motor simulation and analysis will save a lot of research and Development time. In regards to the paper processed simulation and analysis focusing on the traditional range hoods with induction motors, the simulation result has great consistency, which has proven the effectiveness of simulation analysis. The paper further processes simulation and analysis focusing on the brushless DC motors with potential, and the analysis result can be used as the important reference for developing the new-type range hood with single brushless DC motor and double air inlets.


Rang Hood Brushless DC motor Ansoft Motor Driver


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