  • 學位論文


Design of High Speed USB Data Acquisition and Measurement System Applied in Five-axis CNC Machine Tools

指導教授 : 陳慎銚


本研究針對CNC五軸工具機之AC兩軸軸心的動態誤差以及靜態誤差之來製作一套具備USB高速介面的資料擷取與量測系統,並應用於CNC五軸工具機的補償修正技術上。此系統是NON – BAR檢測系統(由感測器模組與類比訊號處理模組組成)、高速資料擷取卡與使用者應用程式所組成。其中,感測器模組包括兩組雷射光源、兩組QD(Quadrant Detector, 四象限感測器)與球座模組所組成,來感測工具機運動時的訊號。類比訊號處理模組用來降低電路雜訊以及放大感測器訊號。高速資料擷取卡則採用FPGA做為主要核心來與ADC(Analog to Digital Converter)做溝通,並透過USB 2.0晶片組為傳輸介面。透過使用者應用程式可顯示目前光點位置以及截取資料的速率以及時間設定。 本裝置依ISO檢測規範來作為檢測路徑範例,除以B Type機型做為實驗機型,以靜態BK1(Y、Z、A軸)與BK2(X、Y、C軸)路徑單點抓取外,並且利用動態BK1、BK2(B Type機型之K1、K2路徑)多點抓取來作為量測數據。在實驗測試上,以市售的資料擷取裝置作為比較驗證的裝置,且整合了以往檢測軟體需動、靜態檢測以及增益值設定須分開作業的不方便性。 最後,透過本研究所發展的應用於CNC五軸工具機之高速USB資料擷取裝置將可提供整體量測的精準度,使CNC五軸工具機的局部,甚至整體精準度得以提升。除可取代市面上高階的資料擷取卡,並可加速CNC五軸工具機產業的發展。


CNC五軸工具機 USB 資料擷取


In this thesis, we proposed the system to design a measurement, analysis and data acquisition system for Five-axis CNC machine tool. The proposed system can be divided three parts: Non-Bar, analog processing circuit module and high speed data acquisition card. The Non-Bar is composed of two laser sources and two quadrant detectors. The analog processing circuit module was developed to reduce circuit noises and acquire signals of quadrant. The high speed data acquisition card employed a USB 2.0 chipset as the transmission interface to PC. According to measuring path in ISO/CD 10791-6, the proposed system has been recently implemented to measure three types of five-axis CNC machine tools: A-type, B-type and C-type in three manufacturers of machine tools. Finally, the institute for development of CNC five-axis machine tools used in high speed USB data acquisition devices will provide overall measurement accuracy, and replace the high end market data acquisition card.


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