  • 學位論文


The Website Attributes of E-store on Different Firm Type

指導教授 : 簡德金


網路商店雖如雨後春筍般蓬勃發展,但不當經營所產生的失敗比率,也逐年提升。究其主因,在經營者未能掌握網路商店網站的產業類型及特性類別,故無法有效善用資源,展現商店的網站形象與資訊品質,進而滿足顧客需求,獲得預期營運效益。 為此,本研究(1)透過文獻,掌握網路商店網站特性;(2)透過質性訪談法,建立「網路商店網站特性架構」,以作為企業改善營運/服務機制之基礎;(3)建立「產業廣度與深度曲線圖」,以發現各產業網路商店之網站內容的均衡度;(4)建立「各產業類型之特性類別決策指標」,以發現各產業類型下,各特性類別的表現充足度與差異,進而取得改善策略。相信,本研究成果就如同受訪專家與學者所說,不僅協助企業清楚掌握網路商店網站特性之優劣與策略,更能因此提升資源運用的有效性及成功經營的可能性。同時,本研究成果也能有效連結實務應用與學術價值,進而提供研究者新的方向與領域。


Online stores are dramatically increasing and popular, caused enterprises investing many resources and efforts to meet customer requirements. However, the failure rate arising from improper operation increased year by year. The reason is many enterprises haven’t realized and understood the online store attributes of different industrial, they can’t effectively apply resources and hard to receive revenue. Therefore, this research (1) summarizing online store attributes by reviewing literature; (2) confirming E-store attributes structure through qualitative method to improve business operations / service mechanism; (3) drawing “industrial breadth and depth charts” to discover the equilibrium degree of the of E-store website contents; (4) then establishing “the decision indices of attribute categories on different firm type” to find the adequacy and differentiation of attribute categories and then obtaining the improvement strategies. This research results can not only assist enterprise to figure out the virtues, defects and strategies of E-store attributes, but enhance the effectiveness of the use of resources and ensure the possibility of success. Even this research results also integrate academic research and practical experience and further provides a new direction and field to researchers.


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