  • 學位論文


Exploring the Differences of Students’ Reading Performance in Mobile Reading Assessment

指導教授 : 藍友烽


經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)公布的國際學生的能力評量計畫(PISA)評比,台灣學生在數學名列前茅,但閱讀測驗成績卻下滑。台灣擁有豐沛的資訊資源,故希望善用數位教學這項利器,設計能吸引孩子的閱讀活動,讓孩子閱讀表現可以改善。 本論文旨在探討行動學習應用於閱讀評量,對學童閱讀動機與閱讀行為的影響。希冀從資料分析中,可以提供教師更有效、更方便的閱讀評量方式。 本論文研究對象為國小二年級兩班學生,分成實驗組一班16人,控制組一班16人,兩組學生再分高低能力組各8人。實驗組學生接受行動閱讀評量活動,控制組學生進行傳統閱讀認證活動。本研究使用「閱讀動機量表」和「閱讀行為量表」前後測進行量的研究。藉由項目分析、信度分析、獨立樣本t考驗等統計分析,探討行動學習導入閱讀評量對學生閱讀表現的影響如何。 本研究的主要發現有: 1.不同閱讀評量方式,對學生的閱讀動機有顯著差異,且實驗組優於 控制組 2.相同能力水準的學生,在不同的閱讀評量方式下,高能力組學生的閱讀動機有顯著差異,且實驗組優於控制組 3.相同能力水準的學生,在不同的閱讀評量方式下,低能力組學生的閱讀動機沒有顯著差異 4.不同閱讀評量方式,對學生的閱讀行為有顯著差異,且實驗組優於控制組 5.相同能力水準的學生,在不同閱讀評量方式,高能力組學生的閱讀 行為表現有顯著差異,且實驗組優於控制組 6.相同能力水準的學生,在不同的閱讀評量方式下,低能力組學生的閱讀行為表現沒有顯著差異


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development published international students’ ability assessment competitions. Taiwanese students in mathematics obtains top of the spear, but they decline in reading scores. Taiwan has abundant information resources, so we hope the use of digital teaching which designed to attract children’s reading activities can improve children’s reading performance. This study aims to investigate the mobile learning applied to reading assessment and the impact on children’s reading motivation and reading behavior. In this way, the study hope that it can be more effective to provide teachers data analysis and more convenient way of assessment. In the paper, the study did the research on two classes of second grade students. The study divided them into the experimental group of 16 students and the control group of 16 students. In the experimental group , students generally accepted Mobile Reading Assessment. As for the control group, students accepted the traditional reading certification activities. In the study, we did the research on the reading motivation scale and the reading behavior scale of the pretest-posttest data. And the study measured the amount by reliability analysis , item analysis , t-test of independent samples such kind of statistical analysis. In this way, the study can explore how mobile learning impact on those students who accept the new reading assessment . The main findings are as below. 1.Different reading assessment methods have significant difference on students’ reading motivation. And the experimental group is better than the control group. 2.For those students of the same level with the different reading assessment, there are significant differences in the reading motivation for the high-level ability of students. And the experimental group is better than the control group. 3.For those students of the same level with the different reading assessment, there are no significant differences in the reading motivation for the low-level ability of students. 4.Because of the different reading assessment methods, there are significant differences in students’ reading behavior. And the experimental group is better than the control group. 5.As for those same-leveled students with different ways of reading assessment, there are significant differences in the high-level ability of students’ reading behavior. And the experimental group is better than the control group. 6.For those students of the same level with the different reading assessment, there are no significant differences in the reading behavior for the low-level ability of students.


[1] 曾志朗v.s洪蘭 見仁見智座談,聯合晚報,2006.08.21,上網日期:2006.8.24,取自:
[2] 天下雜誌(2002),全民閱讀大調查:大人、小孩都不愛閱讀,天下雜誌—2002教育特刊,2011.03.11,取自:
http://www.lcenter.tw/trend/society Detail.asp
