  • 學位論文


The Study for Establishing TTQS Information System Architecture

指導教授 : 簡德金


儘管不少學者重視員工的職能能力等相關議題,並提出員工培訓、培訓課程、培訓方法與培訓成果等評量方法,以及課程規劃或內部講師培訓等意見。但因內容無法符合企業目標,且機制上也無法持續跟催、評量與改進,使得企業競爭力與績效的提升,無法立竿見影。究其原因,在於企業缺乏一套系統化資訊系統,隨時檢視員工能力與應強化之課程。 因此,本研究回顧相關文獻,依據台灣訓練品質系統(TTQS)的架購,及質性訪談法,掌握專家學者共識,將企業機構版與訓練機構版之十九個檢核指標與佐證資料項目進行結構化。並依此予以比較、彙整,並設計能符合各個檢核指標及佐證資料項目的資訊系統架構與流程,以提出符合TTQS精神之資訊系統架構與系統流程。藉此,協助機構依據PDDRO循環,落實職能之培訓品質。


Although many scholars pay more attention on employees’ competence, propose assessment methods likes employee training, training course, training method, training result, and suggest enterprise planning training course or educate internal trainer. However, because training course doesn't meet enterprise requires, and mechanism can't keep assessing, evaluating, improving, making the low efficiency on information literacy improvement. The main reason is that enterprise lacking of systematized information system, so can't check each employee's ability, and it needs course. Hence, this research reviews previous literature, to understand the framework of Taiwan TrainQuali System. Then, through qualitative interview methods, this research captures the consensus among experts, to combines the 2 TTQS versions: Version for Business Institution and Version for Professional Training Institution, then systemize 19 main indicators and scaling indices. So, this research can establish TTQS information system structure, which not only meets the spirit and process of TTQS, but fits all main indicators and scaling indices. These research results can assist enterprises or organizations to follow PDDRO cycle, then improve competence training quality.


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