  • 學位論文


The Development of a Low Cost Optical Two-Axes Angular Precision Measurement and Control System for Wind Tunnel Industry

指導教授 : 李孟澤


由於科技發展的需求使得風洞實驗早已超出航太工程的範圍,現今已普及於各個領域的工程設計,成為設計開發階段之有效評估工具之一。同時,伴隨著資訊處理能力之提升與各種工程精度需求提高的前提下,現今風洞試驗已需要具備更精細控制之實驗能力,而在低成本低速風洞範疇內,仍缺乏價格平易之角度控制解決方案。 本論文主旨是在開發一套低成本光學式之風洞待測模型平台機構,透過此一機構期使風洞試驗時之受測模型角度能藉由一套極低成本的雷射與PSD(Position Sensitive Detector)感測器模組而被精確地量測,使操作者得以掌握姿態與數據之精確變化關係,大幅提升實驗的品質。另外,也藉由此一光學式即時動態之姿態回授,將回授資訊與目標角度進行自動回授補償,以自動控制受測物姿態角穩定保持在期望受測角度上,確保每次實驗時之重複性。本論文所開發出來的系統,將可以以較低的成本來增進各工程領域內風洞試驗的準確性。 本研究藉由Laser光源與PSD感測器間的量測原理,當Laser光源隨著待測模型作角度變化,其變化量都可透過PSD感測器所量測,以此量測原理作為本研究之平台機構設計的基礎,硬體完成後,接著將針對PSD感測器與伺服馬達進行程式的撰寫,並且作程式角度控制驗證;最後將整套系統作整合並且套進風洞試驗作驗證。 本論文設計之平台機構,透過風洞實驗驗證結果證明本平台機構在角度控制上有良好及穩定的表現,且角度誤差小於0.23度,將本平台機構應用於風洞試驗中,可提高風洞試驗中角度之間的解析度及精確度,進而提高實驗的準確性。


風洞 角度量測 光學量測


Based on the demand of fast developing technology, the wind tunnel experiment has extended its current range, from the application of the aerospace engineering to other engineering fields. Moreover, according to the well developed data processing and the need of accuracy in engineering, the wind tunnel experiment nowadays is able to serve as a more precise engineering tool. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a low cost optical angular precision measurement and control system for wind tunnel facilities. We apply a simple and low cost laser and PSD sensor module to receive precise results from the designed axis-rotation platform of the model. The operator could monitor the relation between the attitude and its related data, and thus, the quality of the experiment will be enhanced. Also, with the data derived from the simultaneous dynamic optical attitude feedback, these data could process the feedback compensation automatically in order to achieve the desired angle. The attitude of measured object could accordingly be precisely kept at the desired angle, and then the repeatability of experiments will be promised. The measuring system consists of Laser and PSD. Measured by PSD, the axis-rotation of the model can be obtained. The design of the platform is based on the measuring system. And then, to programmed software of measure and control was for PSD and servo motor. In finally, the full system was verified by the wind tunnel experiment. By the wind tunnel experiment to verified, the developed system was available, and angle error is less than 0.23°. The system will enhance the accuracy of the wind tunnel experiment applied in every possible field of engineering.


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