  • 學位論文


Using MPI to Select Partners of Strategic Alliances for the Pharmaceutical Industry Across the Taiwan Straits

指導教授 : 楊太宏


基於ECFA(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)架構下成立兩岸產業合作工作小組,選定十多個產業,共同探討雙方合作對接機制,加上雙方分別簽署「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」、「兩岸醫藥衛生合作協議」等。本研究將針對兩岸製藥公司進行產業分析並在相互信任的情況下採取策略聯盟之合作,以兩岸製藥業上市公司共26家廠商之財務報表為實例個案,運用資料包絡分析法中Malmquist生產力指數(Malmquist Productivity Index,MPI),分析策略聯盟前後的兩岸生技製藥公司營運績效,再對其作聯盟後的經營績效和生產力變動狀況進行分析,並加以描述各公司績效狀況找出適合聯盟的雙贏組合研究結果發現在策略聯盟後其雙贏且總要素生產力值大於1的組合有三組,其中以中化合成生技與上海凱寶藥業這組合為策略聯盟後表現最好。原先經營績效較好的公司,在策略聯盟後總要素生產力小於1顯示不適合策略聯盟;績效差的公司在策略聯盟後效率都提升,表示績效差的公司可藉由策略聯盟來提升公司競爭力。 最後建議企業進行策略聯盟時,應該先檢視企業內部的運作狀況來調整資源分配、運用,如:固定資產方面是否需要擴大或是減縮生產線與機械設備,公司所使用的實體技術、流動資產方面是否有呆帳問題與存貨成本是否過高、營運費用方面是否要再增加或降低廣告費用與變動費用做調整,經理人與人員訓練與經驗。確認企業的策略目標與遠景,並與對岸企業進行溝通達成共識展開整合計畫:未來發展計劃的結構、作業政策、開始實施,藉由策略聯盟來補足雙方企業資源不足之部分,例如:生產技術、產品銷售市場、藥品流通之模式。本研究可提供管理者做決策是否進行策略聯盟,除了解決技術效率與技術變革之問題,並擴大產品銷售市場使收益得到提升。


On the basis of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), the working group on cross-straits industrial cooperation was established, more than ten industries was selected, and the cooperation and docking mechanism between two sides was jointly explored, as well as the “Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement” and the “Cross-Straits Medical and Health Cooperation Agreement” were signed by two sides. In this research, 26 pharmaceutical companies on either side cooperating in strategic alliances are regarded as the subjects of case study, their financial reports are analyzed using the Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) in data envelopment analysis to compare the operation performance of these companies before and after the strategic alliances. Then, the analyses of their operation performance and productivity change after the alliance are conducted to provide descriptions of their operation statuses and find out the win-win combination suitable for the alliance. The research results find that there are three win-win combinations whose value of total factor productivity is larger than one. Among them, the alliance between China Chemical & Pharmaceutical Co. and Shanghai Kai Bao Pharmaceutical Company has the best performance. That the total factor productivity of the companies with good operation performances before the alliances is smaller than one indicates the alliances are not suitable for those companies. The companies with poor performances have increased their efficiency after the alliances, which indicates that companies with poor performances can improve their competitive strength through strategic alliances. Finally, the research suggests that before conducting strategic alliances, enterprises should review their internal operating conditions to adjust the allocation and utilization of resources; for example, whether the fixed assets need to be increased or the production lines and mechanic facilities need to be reduced, whether bad debts exists in the physical techniques and current assets, whether inventory costs are too high, whether the operation expenses need to be increased or the advertisement expense and variable expense need to be adjusted, and whether managers and the staff need more training and working experience. The strategic objectives and vision of an enterprise must be identified and communicated with the counterpart on the other side of the straits to reach a consensus and begin the integration plan: the structure of future development plan, operation policies and the beginning of implementation. As for those insufficient resources that can be reinforced through strategic alliances, such as production technologies, the product market, and medical distribution channels. This research can help managers to make the decision of whether a strategic alliance need to be carried out, solve the problems of technical efficiency and technological changes, and increase the sale of products to improve profits.


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