  • 學位論文

有形文化遺產保存中Historic BIM之研究 -以台中市磺溪書院為例

Research on Historic BIM of Built Heritage in Taiwan -A Case Study of Huangxi Academy

指導教授 : 史天元 閻亞寧


數位化技術應用於古蹟保存已是一門重要課題,台灣政府近年來推動將古蹟保存與維護之觀念與世界接軌,多方嘗試將數位化技術使用於台灣之中式傳統建築古蹟,不再是傳統的手抄紀錄、修復方法與觀念。然接觸時間尚早,各類數位化方法尚未統一,台灣目前並未擁有有效之古蹟建物資訊模型方法。   本研究之目的為建立符合中式傳統建築特性之古蹟建物資訊模型方法,從古蹟建築元件切入,探討古蹟建築元件應帶有哪些重要屬性,回顧國際重要之古蹟保存文獻與台灣相關法規,確保成果符合政府期望且與國際齊平;由元件尺度訂定其專屬之物件導向類別圖與本體論,使整體概念更為明確,且具有一定資料互交換性;使用自定義之元件概念建立資料庫以保存元件歷史資訊,並帶入建物資訊模型之觀念,建立古蹟之三維模 型供可視性分析;使用資訊整合平台使資料庫與模型可在同一使用者介面瀏覽、操作,期望建立符合中式傳統建築古蹟使用之古蹟建物資訊模型方法,並使用案例-磺溪書院測試研究方法之可行性。   研究顯示類別圖可確實幫助建立資料庫甚至應用至不同中式傳統建築,建立本體論有助於知識之傳達與提升互交換性,整合平台相較傳統紀錄方法而言,搜尋成果更為精確與不因人、時而異。


Digital archiving technology for conserving culture heritage is an important subject nowadays. The Ministry of Culture of Taiwan continues to try to converge the concept and technology of conservation with international conventions. However, the products from these different technologies are not yet integrated due to the lack of research and development in this field. There is currently no effective schema in HBIM for Taiwanese cultural heritage. The aim of this research is to establish an HBIM schema for Chinese built heritage in Taiwan. The proposed method starts from the perspective of the components of built heritage buildings, up to the investigation of the important properties of the components through important international charters and Taiwanese laws of cultural heritage conservation to make sure the results satisfy the requirement of the Taiwanese government and international standards. Afterwards, object-oriented class diagram and ontology from the scale of components were defined to clarify the concept and increase the interoperability. A historical database was then established for the historical information of components and to bring it into the concept of BIM in order to build a 3D model of heritage objects which can be used for visualization. An integration platform was developed for the users to browse and manipulate the database and 3D model simultaneously. In addition, this research also evaluated the feasibility of this method using the study case at the Huangxi academy located in Taiwan. The conclusion showed that class diagram could help the establishment of database and even its application for different Chinese built heritage objects. The establishment of ontology helped to convey knowledge and increase interoperability. In comparison to traditional documentation methods, the querying result of the platform was more accurate and less prone to human error.


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施國隆,2014。文化資產法規彙編,文化部文化資產局,台中市南區復興路 3 段 362號,p643。
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