  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Resource, Capability and Employee Well-Being in Pharmaceutical Industry: Perceived Organizational Support as a Moderator

指導教授 : 丁承




With the advancement of capital concept, industry competitive advantage has changed from traditional economic capital to abstract positive psychological capital. This research is based on positive psychology and conservation of resources theory to discuss the possible antecedents of employee well-being in pharmaceutical industry, wherein employee well-being is defined as a term composed of subjective well-being, work engagement and job satisfaction. Results indicate that self-efficacy, person-environment fit and work-family enrichment are related to employee well-being. Perceived organizational support, POS is a moderator among workload, work resource and employee well-being. Low level of POS will bring about worse impact of workload on employee well-being, while high level of POS will diminish positive influence of work resource on employee well-being, which is caused by a phenomenon that employees hesitate to draw on work resource due to POS defined by a socioemotional perception regarding individual perceived respect from their organizations. POS would make employees concern social perspective and produce a psychological feedback such as a felt obligation to care about organization’s welfare and an embarrassment in taking a personal leave for private affairs. Since human beings play lots of roles in their life, work-life balance turns out to be prevailing currently; nevertheless, work-family conflict is not always inevitable, i.e. work-family enrichment is a possible royal road to employee well-being. The past reports put more emphases on the outcome of well-being such as work engagement. Work engagement might be a kind of employee well-being per se. This research is based on convenience sampling including 282 valid questionnaires whose research model has proven to be fit. It is beneficial to pharmaceutical workers’ figuring out the source of well-being, yet inappropriate to apply result to the whole country or jump to conclusion due to limited data. Demographic variables in this paper such as age, gender, marriage, educational status, job title and working industry are irrelevant to employee well-being.


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