  • 學位論文


The Effect of Digital Gaming Experience on Player's Problem Solving Ability - A Case Study on PISA

指導教授 : 孫春在 林珊如


面對事情發生,就會想辦法要如何解決,不論是在生活、職場、社會等所有事物都與問題解決因素脫離不了關係,而所牽涉的問題解決的能力、歷程等議題因此相當受到關注,甚至運用跨領域知識來解決問題。國際性PISA(The Programme for International Student Assessment)自2000年開始每三年進行評量十五歲學生在閱讀、數學及科學三種能力外,分別在2003、2012及未來2015年舉行問題解決能力評測,已將問題解決視為關鍵能力之一。其中數位式遊戲亦包含了大量問題解決的元素,學者們指出,藉由數位遊戲能有效提升學習動機及成效。 本研究以準實驗研究法之不等組前後測設計,以新竹縣立某國中三年級常態分班,兩班學生共60名為研究對象,探究數位遊戲對學生於PISA問題解決能力學習成效評估。根據有、無遊玩過「Where's My Perry?」數位遊戲經驗分別為實驗組、對照組,搭配PISA問題解決試題進行評測,研究二個主要議題:1.先前有無「Where's My Perry?」遊戲經驗對問題解決前測成績之影響,2.課堂上進行數位遊戲「Where's My Perry?」對問題解決後測成績之影響。 研究結果發現,第一部分:先前有、無該遊戲經驗對問題解決能力前測的成績無顯著差異,而先前有遊戲經驗的實驗組,在遊戲經驗多寡與遊玩時間多寡項目,亦對問題解決的能力前測並無相關。第二部分:進行數位遊戲的實驗組,對問題解決能力的系統分析與設計後測成績表現上,有顯著差異,其餘決策、故障排除與總分則無顯著差異。另外實驗組在數位遊戲中過關數量、繪製過關流程圖的表現上,皆與問題解決能力後測成績並無相關。


數位遊戲 問題解決 PISA


Faced with problems, people will try to solve it. Almost everything happening in our daily life, jobs and society involves with problem-solving. Therefore, the issue of problem-solving ability and process has drawn much attention at school. The interdisciplinary knowledge is an essential tool to solve problems. Since 2000, PISA assesses the ability of 15-year-old students in reading, mathematics and science every three years. In 2003 and 2012, problem solving assessment has been added in PISA and will be held in the future 2015, which means problem-solving ability is one of students’ vital abilities. There is no denying that digital games contain a lot of problem-solving elements in it. Scholars pointed out that the digital game could effectively enhance learning motivation and effectiveness. This research adopts none-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design of quasi-experimental design to explore how digital games influence students’ learning effectiveness of problem-solving ability. The subjects are 60 9th graders in two classes of a high school in Hsinchu County. The students were divided into experimental group and control group by their gaming experience of “Where’s My Perry?” The research objects are: 1. to explore the effect of the digital game “Where’s My Perry?” gaming experience on the score of problem-solving pretest. 2. To explore the effect of playing “Where’s My Perry?” in class on the score of problem-solving posttest. The results are as following: 1. Whether students have the gaming experience or not has no significant difference on their scores of problem-solving ability pretest. The amounts of students’ playing time and the gaming experience show irrelevant to their problem-solving ability in experimental group that has the gaming experience. 2. The system analysis and design ability of students in experimental group that play the game in class show significant difference on their scores of problem-solving ability posttest. However, there is no significant difference on the scores of decision making ability, trouble shooting ability and the total. In addition, the number of mission completed in the game and the ability of drawing the mission flowchart of students in experimental group show irrelevant to their scores on the problem-solving ability posttest.


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