  • 學位論文


Artificial Intelligence in Digital Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of Swiss Startups Firms

指導教授 : 陳詩欣 李冕


人工智慧(AI)是當今許多業務運營自動化的重要技術。此外,技術還用於提昇市場營銷和產品服務的認知。值得一提的是,該技術的主要參與者(四大公司 GAFA,Google LLC , Amazon , Facebook, Inc. , 和 Apple Inc.)使用AI來自動化其營銷和廣告業務,以增強其產品和服務。 本研究透過回顧相關文獻及實證研究瞭解瑞士新創企業如何採用情況人工智慧技術。瑞士以其嚴儘的方法鼓勵破壞式創新而聞名。 本研究使用案例研究分析來了解人工智會技術在瑞士新創企業組織運作中的使用,利用個案分析方法。本研究選擇Advertima AG,MonteMedia AG和AlgoTraders AG,作為分析個案。本研究發現,Advertima使用AI 開發用於圖像處理和增強安全功能的軟體程序同樣,MonteMedia AG採用AI來增強網路平台中產品和服務的行銷。另一方面,AlgoTraders AG使用AI技術來提供用於股票交易市場以及預測市場趨勢的軟體程序。 本研究結果顯示人工智能技術以應用在不同情境下,包括市場營銷、活動自動化、製作智能程序軟體、預測趨勢和股票交易等等。 透過本研究多個案分析發現,所有案例研究的公司在不同的情境下都使用了人工智能技術解決問題或是發展新商業模式,例如: Advertima AG使用AI技術發展自動圖像處理程序; MonteMedia AG將AI技術導入行銷分析,而AlgoTraders AG利用AI進行證券交易。 最後,本文揭示AI技術不同的應用模式以及它如何影響市場,並為現有AI相關管研究提出學術貢獻


人工智慧 瑞士 新創企業 數位創業 管理 面試


Artificial intelligence (AI) is the technology behind the automation of many business operations today. Besides, technology is used in marketing and creating awareness of the products and services offered. It is worth to mention that this technology principal players are the big four companies namely Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple which use AI to automate their marketing and advertising as their business processes in order to enhance their products and services. The purpose of this research is to investigate the adoption of artificial intelligence technology among startup business organizations in Switzerland, a country well-known for its intense approach and incentives towards innovation and disruptive technology. This has been achieved by reviewing the relevant literature as well as conducting empirical study so as to gain a deep understanding of the topic of study. The content analysis method has been used to create a relationship that exists between the reviewed literature and the findings from the empirical study. The startup companies chosen were Advertima AG, MonteMedia AG, and AlgoTraders AG, which are business organizations in Switzerland using artificial intelligence technology. The findings of the research revealed that Artificial Intelligence technology is used in very many ways including marketing, automation of activities, making intelligent software programs, forecasting trends and stock exchange. The study revealed that the companies under the case study are using artificial intelligence technology on different errands. Advertima AG is using AI technology in coming up with programs that automate image processing. MonteMedia AG majorly uses AI for marketing while AlgoTraders AG uses AI for stock exchange. Finally, the research has positively contributed to the existing knowledge by revealing different application of AI technology and how it has revolutionized


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