  • 學位論文


Investigations of chaos and aliasing with oscillated system

指導教授 : 陳永富




失真 渾沌 蛇擺 彈簧擺


In this thesis, we have explored the aliasing effect and chaos with pendulum waves and spring pendulum. A set of uncoupled pendulums may be used to exhibit ‘‘pendulum waves’’ that patterns look like traveling waves, standing waves, and chaos. The pendulum patterns cycle spectacularly in a time that is large compared to the oscillation period of the individual pendulums. We derive a continuous function to explain the pendulum patterns using a simple equation for traveling waves in one dimension. We show that the cycling of the pendulum patterns arises from aliasing of this underlying continuous function. On the other hand, we investigate the trajectories of two dimensional and three dimensional spring pendulum as a function of its two control parameters (the initial position and velocity of pendulum). With the Fourier analysis, it shows that the dynamics of the spring pendulum is predominantly regular, while at special parameter values the majority of initial conditions lead to chaotic trajectories.


aliasing chaos pendulum waves spring pendulum


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