  • 學位論文


Study of Motorcyclists' Behaviors at Advanced Stop Areas

指導教授 : 吳宗修




In Taiwan, Advanced Stop Areas (ASAs) for motorcycles are installed almost every intersection. The typical installation consists of a square marking with a motorcycle stencil inside. This area provides motorcyclists with the opportunity to wait in front of traffic, giving them a priority to start earlier when the signal turns green. This study examined the behavior of road users, obtaining quantitative information on the behavior of motorcyclists and other road users where there are ASAs. Research method included the analysis of video data taken from selected sites and survey of motorcyclists. In this study, ASAs were categorized into four types according to its layout. The analysis was drawn from 20 hours of video data, which covered 2,984 motorcyclists observed. Questionnaire surveyed 118 motorcyclists who were intercepted at a parking lot. In addition, another 325 motorcyclists were recruited via social network to complete a survey. Both observation and survey results found that more than half of motorcyclists approach the ASAs adjacent to the curb when they are not already being ahead of traffic. Motorcycle encroachment in the pedestrian crosswalk and motor vehicle encroachment are general problems at all layout types studied. Results from the Chi-Square Test of Independence conclude that there is a relationship between layout type of ASAs and motorcyclist behavior. Nearly half of the surveyed motorcyclist thought that the ASAs made the intersection safer.


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