  • 學位論文


Security service platform and management of the campus - A case study of NCTU

指導教授 : 楊千


進入科技化的時代,這是每個人均應接受的事實,就以目前國內校園師生之間溝通,在訊息傳送方面來說則稍嫌不足,在校園安全管理方面的設施與服務平台的設置則相當瑣碎缺少整合,另在校安事件處理的方式及過程,則較缺乏時效與依循,當然,這也就鮮少將實際處理作全盤性地檢討及規劃管理,所以,無法提供校園成員需要及幫助。 本研究目的在運用現有尖端科技之技術,建立一種功能強與便捷的資訊服務平台校園無線行動分機,主要是能便捷、快速傳遞訊息,遞減校園安全事件的發生率。因此,依個人親身從事工作經驗及現況,試圖能透過論文研究,來探討校園安全事件與危機發生的因應與防範之有效措施,減少校園成員可能造成的影響,讓現用之校內分機,擴增為無線行動分機之通信方式及功能,達到事件處理之效果與順遂,增強校園師生與成員通聯效益,作最適切的校園安全管理與服務平台運作模式,亦能從容不迫地化危機為轉機將損失、傷害降至最低。提供爾後學術研究在校園安全事件與危機處理之相關研究參考,亦能提供資訊通訊科技的業者具體實際的建議。 校園無線行動分機(VPN),主要就是讓你在校園中,能夠快樂活潑學習;當你需要援助時它就能即時為你提供服務,24小時隨時隨地只要你需要,服務馬上就到。


In this technology-based age, we aware a fact that the part of information delivery are not enough in the current communication between domestic teachers and students. Also, the facilities and the set up of service platform of campus safety management are without integration. Furthermore, the dealing and process of campus incidents lack overall examination and planning. Therefore, it is inefficient to offer the help for campus members. The goal of this study is to apply the technique of present high technology to build a strongly-function and convenient wireless mobile extension system. The function is mainly to deliver the information more rapidly and conveniently in order to decline the incidence of campus incidents. With my own working experience and present situation, I try to reduce the possible influences of campus incidents on campus members through this paper research on the efficient preventing measures of campus safety incidents and crisis. In order to build a most proper campus safety management and service platform mode, I suggest expanding the current campus extension into wireless mobile extension so as to strengthen the links among campus members and then to deal with the incidents more smoothly and efficiently. Subsequently transforming the crisis into a turning point to lower the possible injury and loses. Also, this research can offer a study reference for future study in campus safety and crisis management, as well as a practical suggestion for IT industry to develop the system. VPN is to enable you to learn happily in campus. When you need help, it can give you a hand immediately. The service will be at hand 24-7, anytime anywhere as long as you need.


campus safety management VPN


楊千. (2007). 策略管理理論與實務. 台北: 華泰文化事業股份有限公司.
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