  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭銘章


本研究結合物理治療、復健醫學之專業規劃,搭配虛擬實境、機電整合等技術,本研究開發一套可讓中風患者進行坐姿平衡訓練之虛擬實境系統,配合虛擬實境之技術,期望能提供中風患者一個安全並能與日常生活情境結合的復健治療。 系統中配合具備六個自由度的小型氣壓六軸運動平台,讓患者進行不同任務要求的療程訓練。訓練中氣壓六軸平台將會以預設的運動模式,給予病患下肢不同的挑戰刺激,而患者手部的三度空間運動軌跡、轉動角度,以及達成任務的時間等資訊,都將於背景進行監測與紀錄。透過即時、自動紀錄的量化參考資訊,將可提供醫師、治療師更詳盡的病患訓練成效追蹤與評估的參考。 實驗評估中分別利用靜態、動態及功能性平衡三種評估方法來評估受測者在進行坐姿平衡訓練前後平衡能力的差異,最後再透過統計方法分析。結果發現本研究研發之坐姿平衡訓練系統,對於增進動態穩定平衡能力及姿勢轉移能力皆能有所提升,然而於坐姿平衡訓練中加入視覺、聽覺等提示,對於受測者於平衡訓練中能有所幫助。


The study integrates the knowledge of physical therapy and rehabilitation and technologies of virtual reality (VR) and mechatronics to develop a VR system for sitting equilibrant training of stroke patients. By the technology of virtual reality, we hope to offer a safe rehabilitation combined with the daily life virtual reality scenes. The system includes a 6-axis barometric motion platform with 6 degrees of freedom. When the patient takes a training course, the motion platform will give him different challenges. The movement and rotation of the patient’s hand, and the mission complete time will be monitored and recorded in the background. These recorded data can offer therapists or physicians a good reference to evaluate the recovery of a patient. The experiment makes use of static and dynamic and functional assessment methods of equilibrium to assess the differences of balanced ability before and after sitting equilibrant training. The experimental results find that sitting equilibrant training system can improve the ability of dynamic equilibrium and postural change. The hints of vision and hearing in the sitting equilibrant training have the use of equilibrant training.


3. H. Cohen and E. A. Keshner, “Current Concept of the Vestibular System Reviewed: 2.Visual/Vestibular Interaction and Spatial Orientation”, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 43, No. 5, 1989, pp. 320-330.
4. E. A. Keshner and H. Cohen, “The Role of the Vestibulospinal System in Postural Control”, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 43, 1989, pp. 331-338.
7. P. M. Emmelkamp, M. Krijn, A. M. Hulsbosch, S. De Vries, M. J. Schuemie and C. A. Van Der Mast, “Virtual Reality Treatment Versus Exposure in Vivo: A Comparative Evaluation in Acrophobia”, Behavior Research and Therapy, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2002, pp. 509-516.
8. C. Herfarth, W. Lamade and L. Fischer, “The Effect of Virtual Reality and Training on Liver Operation Planning”, Swiss Surgery, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2002, pp. 67-73.
9. T. Kawamata, H. Iseki, T. Shibasaki and T. Hori, “Endoscopic Augmented Reality Navigation System for Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery to Treat Pituitary Tumors: Technical Note”, Neurosurgery, Vol. 50, No. 6, 2002, pp. 1393-1397.
