  • 學位論文


Adsorption of Aromatic Compounds on SWCNTs

指導教授 : 秦靜如




The adsorption mechanisms for benzene, toluene, and chlorobenzene by SWCNTs before and after acid oxidation were discussed in this study. The influences of the functional groups of SWCNTs were studied by acid-oxidized SWCNTs. The adsorption capacity for benzene, toluene, and chlorobenzen are affected by solubility and the functional groups of adsorbates. The oxygen-containing surface groups introduced by acid oxidation cause the steric obstruction and the decrease in adsorption capacity. The adsorption of benzene, toluene, and chlorobenzene by the raw SWCNTs at different solution pH values is slightly affected by solution pH in the range of 3-11, which suggest the π-π interaction is the dominant interaction. The oxygen-containing surface groups introduced onto SWCNTs by acid oxidation result in water clustering at high pH and decrease in the adsorption capacity for benzene. For the adsorption of toluene, an attraction which is similar to hydrogen bonding between H+ of the methyl group and the oxygen-containing surface groups is introduced. The π-π interaction between the bigger resonance structure of chlorobenzene and the C-ring of graphene sheet of SWCNTs is the dominant interaction in adsorption of chlorobenzene, which affects the adsorption at different solution pH slightly. Finally, the adsorption capacity for benzene increases with increasing temperature and the thermodynamic parameters indicate the adsorption of benzene is an exothermic and spontaneous reaction.


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