  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of JPEG-LS algorithm with efficient segment-based rate control scheme for digital home media integration

指導教授 : 蔡宗漢


隨著液晶顯示器 (LCD) 技術的發展,高速、高深度色彩及高解析度的需求都是不可或缺的。目前已發展出很多高速數位傳輸標準,例如高清晰度多媒體接口 (HDMI) 及無線-HD (wireless-HD)。由於一些物理性的限制,所以很多傳輸標準並不適用於數位家庭多媒體整合 (DHMI)。因此,在有限的記憶體及傳輸頻寬下,利用有提供比率控制技術的近似無失真壓縮演算法來達到其要求。對影像壓縮而言,壓縮率及高影像品質是很基本的需求。在數位家庭多媒體的應用上,為了使數位資料能有效地傳輸並節省硬體傳輸成本,所以我們整合了以列為基準的流量控制方法於JPEG-LS。 在本文中,為了實現低成本的DHMI,因而提出了一個有效且可行的解決方法,即在JPEG-LS上加入了以區段為基準的流量控制 (SBRC) 方法。 SBRC利用人眼感知特性及局部材質分析來最佳化信息損耗分配及達到最好的比率控制。因此,根據人眼感知的特性,我們提出來可支援縮放比例的JND模組來最佳化重建影像的品質。 實驗結果顯示,利用我們方法所得的模擬結果與沒有流量控制方法的JPEG-LS結果作比較,只降低了少數的PSNR。並且根據我們所提出的方法,可使多個媒體來源的數位資料只需透過單一的HDMI電纜就可傳輸至所對應的播放媒體。


流量控制 JPEG-LS


With the advancement of liquid crystal display (LCD) technology, high speed, high-color-depth and high-resolution is indispensable. Many high speed digital transmission standards have been developed, such as High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) and wireless-HD. Due to physical limitations, many transmission standards are not suitable for Digital Home Media Integration (DHMI). Moreover, in recent years, the near-lossless compression algorithm with rate control scheme is applied for limited memory storage and transmission bandwidth. For image compression, both compression ratio and high visual quality become primary requirements for high-end applications. In order to make the digital data to be transmitted efficiently and save the cost, we integrate row-level rate control scheme with the JPEG-LS for digital home media applications. In this thesis, an efficient and feasible solution with the segment-based rate control (SBRC) scheme in JPEG-LS for low cost DHMI is proposed. The SBRC scheme exploits the characteristics of human visual perception and local texture analysis to optimize the information loss distribution and achieves the best rate control. Furthermore, for human visual perception, the scaling JND model is developed to optimize the reconstructed image quality. Experimental results are reported to support the performance of the proposed scheme. With our method, the experiment results show that only minor PSNR is degraded in comparison with non-rate controlled JPEG-LS and the digital data can be transmitted from multiple source providers to the corresponding display media through a single HDMI cable.


rate control JPEG-LS


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