  • 學位論文


Analysis of Adults’ and Children’s Discourse and Behavior: A Comparison between E-books and Paper Books among Parent-child Joint Book Reading Contexts

指導教授 : 辜玉旻




Past research indicated parent-child joint book reading has a beneficial effect on children’s reading comprehension and emergent literacy. However, with the emergence of e-books, the quality of parent-child discourse and behavior might be influenced and changed by electronic interactions from e-books, and adults' guidance might be eliminated. This study aimed to examine children's reading comprehension by comparing e-books and paper books in terms of adults’ and children’s discourse and behavior among parent-child joint book reading contexts. 12 pairs of parents and children were recruited as subjects in this study. The content and illustration style of the story are identical in the e-books and paper books. The e-books however have the manual guidance function for the readers to use. Parents’ and children’s verbal and non-verbal data were selected in the two contexts. The researcher, based on the literature, re-developed a coding scheme to analyze the similarities and differences in terms of parents’ and children’s discourse and behavior. In addition, tests regarding the stories they read were conducted to assess children's reading comprehension. The results showed that: 1) compared with the paper book context, fewer discourses and behaviors that promote children’s reading comprehension and emergent literacy occur in the e-book context; 2) compared with the paper book context, more discourses and behaviors irrelevant to reading developments occur in the e-book context; 3) the paper book contexts have more beneficial effects on children’s reading comprehension than the e-book contexts do.


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劉宜佳(2009)。龍井鄉英幼童家長對「Bookstart 閱讀起步走」方案的參與即給予(未出版之碩士論文)。國立台北教育大學,台北市。
