  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳忠榮


科學園區的設立為多數國家發展高科技產業的重要政策,台灣在1980年代成立新竹科學工業園區,成功引領台灣從勞力密集轉化為資本密集產業,並在參照矽谷的模式之下,透過與工研院與大學研究之間的產學合作,吸引多數高科技公司前往設廠,形成竹科高科技聚落,推動台灣的創新發展。根據Yang, Motohashi, and Chen(2009)針對新竹科學工業園區內外高科技廠商,比較兩者在研發生產力上的差距,結論證實園區內廠商具有較佳的研發生產力。 別於以往文獻,本研究欲探討竹科電子業廠商地理集中的現象,同時考量空間外溢效果與比較園區內外廠商在研發生產力上的差距,資料主要為台灣經濟新報中2007-2012年園區內外上市櫃電子業廠商,以及廠商設廠位置的經緯度資料,由於科學工業園區政策管理條例的相關規定,使得園區內廠商為預先篩選為較具研發傾向的廠商,因此本研究利用Heckman selection model解決樣本選取問題,並利用固定效果分析研究發展與外溢效果對生產力的影響。 本研究結論顯示,園區內廠商有較高的研發產出彈性,且對電子業廠商而言,勞動對生產力有顯著影響,技術勞動力是電子業重要的投入要素。此外,從考量空間外溢效果下的完整模型可知,外溢效果不僅對生產有正向影響,也有助於園區內廠商在研發生產力上的提升,顯示園區內廠商由於空間鄰近性的因素,具有較佳的外溢吸收能力,並透過聚集效果與學術機構之間的連結,在生產力上相對較園區外廠商具有潛在的優勢。


The establishment of science parks is a vital strategy policy for developing high-tech industries in many countries. Hsinchu Science Industrial Park(HSIP) established in 1980, successfully leading the transformation of Taiwan industrial structure from labor-intensive to capital intensive industries, and under reference to the Silicon Valley model, through the cooperation with ITRI and university research, it attracts lots of electronics firms to set up factories around HSIP, forming the high-tech industrial cluster. Different from the previous literature, the purpose of this paper is to analysis the phenomenon of firms geographic concentration, and compare the productivity of electronics firms located within and outside the HSIP in Taiwan. The data was drawn from the data bank of Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) for the period from 2007 to 2012, as well as the firm latitude and longitude data of firms location . Additionally, the administrators of park require that firms located in the park must invest sufficiently in R&D expenditure Therefore, sampling bias must be taken into consideration in order to avoid selection bias. This study use Heckman selection model to control the selection bias, and use fixed effect model to analysis the impact of R&D and spatial spillover effect on firms productivity. The empirical findings show that the elasticity of R&D with respect to outputs of electronics on-park firms is significantly higher than off-park firms. The full model under consideration spatial spillover effects shows that the spillover effect not only has a positive impact on productivity, but also enhance the R&D of on-park firms. Therefore, on-park firms are expected to show better performance because of the geographical proximity, it’s also indicate a slight advantage in R&D for on-park firms, arising from the fact that the science park offers a clustering effect and establishes links among firms and research institutions.


R&D Science park Spatial spillovers Productivity


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