  • 學位論文


A study on sapphire machining by electrochemical discharge machining

指導教授 : 顏炳華


藍寶石因具有優良機械性質,常被用來當作發光二極體磊晶基板、手機螢幕保護層等用途,但其硬脆性質,使加工過程相當困難。本研究是以不同電壓、加工時間、電解液比例,進行電化學放電加工應用於藍寶石加工之研究。 經過實驗結果的觀察與比較,發現以電壓80V,加工60秒,電解液磷酸與硫酸混合液,硫酸佔55.56%時,加工深度可達24.4663μm為本研究最佳加工深度,而加工效率也高於業界使用濕蝕刻加工藍寶石,且沒有出現如雷射加工時,有熱影響區的狀況,證明了藍寶石能夠以電化學放電加工的方式加工的可行性。


Sapphire is excellent mechanical properties that used as substrate of light-emitting diode epitaxial and screen protective film of cell phone, but it is quite difficult machining. This study used a different voltage, the time and the proportion of the electrolyte,A study on sapphire machining by electrochemical discharge machining. Observation and comparison of experimental results and found that the voltage 80 voltage, 60 seconds and electrolyte mixture of phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid, sulfuric acid, accounting for 55.56%, the mechining depth is 24.4663μm, that is the largest working depth of the study, and this mechining efficiency is also higher than the industry using sapphire machining by wet etching, and no heat affected zone, such as laser processing, sapphire able to prove the feasibility of electrochemical discharge machining methods of processing.


ecdm sapphire


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