  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


近年來隨著中國大陸對外開放、經濟迅速發展。國民所得提高與生活水準的提升,使得中國大陸的觀光旅遊業蓬勃發展。特別是中國大陸爭取到2008年奧運會及2010年世博會等重要國際活動後,許多國際賽事和會議都特地選擇在中國舉辦,中國的酒店正經歷一波新的發展熱潮。然而隨著中國大陸酒店大規模的擴張,目前正面臨供過於求、經營困境、人才緊缺等種種的難題。 面對國際連鎖品牌大型化系統性的經營管理策略,國內酒店業者如何擬競爭策略是一個重要的研究主題,因此引發本研究的動機。基於此,本論文研究的目的,希望藉由對中國大陸旅遊市場及中國大陸酒店產業的分析,深入探討上海佰威商務酒店在中國大陸市場的定位及競爭優勢,以及如何從各項發展趨勢中,提供佰威酒店未來發展連鎖品牌的策略規劃之參考。 回顧佰威酒店在上海歷經18年的經營發展,不斷地在軟硬體上投注大量心力,積極用心,專注經營酒店餐飲業,並獲得顧客與各單位的支持與肯定。面對高度的產業競爭環境,本研究深入探討佰威酒店的SWOT分析,並進一步探討未來發展連鎖酒店的策略規劃。本研究以質性研究之方式,蒐集次級資料並進行經營者深度訪談,探討個案公司如何運用本身的內部條件及競爭優勢,在中國大陸詭譎多變的經營環境中,採行有效的經營策略,帶領企業穩健經營,持續成長,並挑戰未來。 本研究獲得三項結論:1.密切注意環境變化,確實掌握市場脈動。2.掌握顧客需求,以滿足顧客為第一目標。3.積極尋找可信賴的合作夥伴,進行策略聯盟,創造雙贏價值。上述有效之經營策略,為佰威酒店創造出獨特的競爭優勢,本研究並提出未來能在中國大陸發展連鎖酒店的策略規劃。


Owing to China government opening up the economy which resulted in the fast-growing China economy, now China GDP, national income as well as the standard of living are going upward rapidly in recent years, and this combination of factors contributed to the booming expansion on China tourism industry. In particular, after China won the bid to host 2008 Summer Olympics and Expo 2010, there are many more of international tournaments and summit meetings being decided to hold in China afterwards. China hotel industry is entering the phase of rapid development and expansion ever since. In the wake of rapid and huge scale of expansion, currently this industry has encountered the problems of oversupply, executive business capability and and the shortage of qualified manpower. While being surrounded by large-scale of international hotel chains with systematic management operations, it is an important research subject for hotel industry to develop a competitive business strategy in China. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze in length on China Tourism and Hotel industries nowadays, and elaborate the market positioning and completive advantage of Brawway Hotel Shanghai in China. Based on the current market tendency, this thesis will also provide the recommendations and the reliable data of strategic planning to Brawway Hotel Shanghai for its future development in China. In retrospect, Brawway Hotel Shanghai has put into the enormous efforts into the fields of hotel and restaurant for 18 years, from both substantial and service level perspectives. This has been highly appraised by the customers. This thesis also discuss in depth on SWOT analysis of Brawway against high intensity of competitive environment in China. Furthermore, there will also be some discussions on the strategic planning on the development of hotel chain for the future. By applying Qualitative Research, the secondary data collection is done and then an in-depth interview with Brawway Hotel executives has been competed as a case study. This case-study company exerts its own merits and competitive advantages to thrive stabily and strongly in this ever-changing industry environment in China. There are three conclusions to be made as follows. 1. Watch closely on the changing industrial environment in order to get a hold of market opportunities. 2. Customer's satisfaction is the main goal and the rule of thumb. Understand and fulfill the customer’s demands. 3. Cooperate with reliable partners, and better yet to advance the strategic alliance, and create win-win business. By focusing on the three above-mentioned operative strategies, the completive advantages of Brawway Hotel will be able to create and sustain so as to develop the strategic planning and an key player in the hotel chain industry.


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