  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 李小梅


在網路購物興起前,實體通路商長久以來一直掌握著第一線銷售管道的優勢。然而隨著網路購物的興起,創造了第4度的虛擬空間。在廠商端不再受空間與時間的限制;在客戶端,消費者能節省時間與交通成本,更能享受到業者因通路成本降低而提供更多元化的服務。如今數位科技時代來臨,使得線上 (online) 和線下 (offline) 的整合日趨快速,無論是由網路原生品牌成立實體門市的「虛實整合」,或是由實體門市成立網購平台的「實虛整合」,虛擬通路與實體通路之間的界線已不再清楚劃分,如何進一步整合達成綜效已是必然趨勢。 本研究以台灣零售連鎖便利商店產業中的標竿企業統一超商為研究對象,針對其發展「雲端超商」網路購物平台 7net 之原因與實虛整合經營模式進行探討與分析。本研究蒐集具有公信力之專刊與網站之次級資料,整理個案公司內部及官方網站之相關文獻,並輔以專家深度訪談之內容進行個案分析。研究方法中先以總體環境PEST分析、SWOT交叉分析模型來探討在2008年金融海嘯後連鎖便利商店產業之概況,以瞭解個案公司發展網購平台之因素;再以商業模式九宮格為理論基礎,探討個案公司成功踏入網購戰場之實虛整合經營模式及效益。 本研究歸納結果顯示,純實體零售業者發展網路購物平台早已刻不容緩。然而根據本研究給予個案公司之建議,純實體零售業者在發展網路購物平台前,除要確認其實虛整合之經營模式外,更需將實體通路與虛擬通路之間商品與角色定位清楚界定,才能避免產生實虛競蝕的狀況,反而降低實虛整合之效益。本研究之貢獻為提供給非獨占性的、品牌已發展到一定程度、尚未建置線上網購通路且較具規模的純實體零售業者,一個發展網路購物平台的參考價值與方向。


Brick and Mortar (B&M) retails has been dominating the superiority of selling-channel before online shopping risen. However, online shopping has created fourth-virtual dimension; that is, manufacturers are not constrained by time and space; customers can save time and transport cost, moreover customers can provide diversification service. Nowadays, Digital Age has coming and it prompts online-offline integration; building a brand which is from website transforming to a physical shop or a physical shop establish a website to create “Click-and-Mortar”, in order to connect virtual channel and physical channel. How to implement “Click-and-Mortar” is necessary. The main study object of research is online shop- 7net, which is established by an international chain of convenience stores that operates primarily as a franchise- 7-Eleven. Research question of the present study is in order to investigate the business model that is Click-and-Mortar of 7net. The present study collects credible journals and references, and use in-depth interview to analysis each case. PEST analysis and SWOT analysis are as the main tool and The Business Model Canvas as theoretical framework of the present study; for the sake of investigating the overview of chain convenience stores after financial tsunami of 2008, and investigating factors of developing online shopping as well. The result shows that it is imperative to develop online shopping for retailers; moreover, to recognize Click-and-Mortar model before retailers develop online shopping is necessary as well; furthermore, to identify the business model between physical channel and virtual channel can avoid decreasing the Click-and-Mortar effectiveness. The contribution of research is providing some consultation to Brick and Mortar (B&M) retails.


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