  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


社群網站逐漸成為消費者獲得口碑訊息的主要管道之一,能藉由瀏覽Facebook Fan Page或塗鴉牆得知其他消費者所分享與推薦的產品資訊與使用體驗。對於企業而言,社群網站不僅是有利於推動行銷活動之平台,目前亦有跨入電子商務市場之趨勢,提供相關商務服務,如Facebook開店應用程式功能。本研究主要探討在社群網站情境下,消費者決策制定過程之影響因素,包括推薦訊息傳遞者與接收者間之連結強度、產品相關知覺風險程度與訊息診斷性程度,對於消費者行為意圖之影響。 研究方法採用實驗法,為結合實務現象,本研究利用Facebook開店應用程式,進一步探討沉浸感對於消費者購買意圖之影響。針對連結強度 (強連結/弱連結)、知覺風險 (高風險/低風險)進行實驗操弄,區分為四種實驗設計組合,隨機分配受測者於實驗組別當中,以情境影片與網路問卷作為媒介。研究結果顯示連結強度對於消費者訊息診斷性具有顯著差異;知覺風險之高低對於連結強度與訊息診斷性間具有干擾效果;訊息診斷性對於消費者行為意圖具有正向影響;以及沉浸感對於訊息診斷性與購買意圖之間具有正向調節效果。 本研究提出之實務建議為,在線上社群環境中,企業應重視強連結對於消費者決策的重要性,以及適合推廣低風險產品。企業可考量自家產品或服務是否適用推廣於社群網站上,進而採用Facebook應用程式功能以增進消費者購買意圖。


Social networking sites (SNSs) have gradually become one of the important sources for consumers to acquire recommendations and product information by browsing Facebook Fan Page or the wall. For companies, the social networking site is a good platform to promote their marketing activities, offer business-related services, such as Facebook shopping applications. Thus, this study investigated the effects of tie strength, perceived risk and perceived diagnosticity on consumers’ behavioral intention. In addition, this research used Facebook application to further explore flow affects on consumers’ purchase intention. This research has proposed five hypotheses. It conducted a 2 (tie strength: strong tie/weak tie) × 2 (perceived risk: high risk/low risk) experimental design and used a field experiment on Facebook to test these hypotheses. This experiment design was implemented by an online experimental questionnaire and video. All of our respondents were randomly assigned to one of these four scenarios. The results show that the recommendations provided by strong-tie friends will positively influence perceived diagnosticity. Perceived risk moderates the effect of tie strength on perceived diagnosticity. Both strong-tie and weak-tie groups have higher perceived diagnosticity toward low-risk products than high-risk products. And perceived diagnosticity will positively influence consumers’ behavior intentions. Finally, flow moderates the effect of perceived diagnosticity on purchase intention. This research proposed some managerial implications based on the result. Social networking sites are good platforms to promote low-risk products. Companies can choose appropriate consumers to recommend products to their strong-tie friends. In addition, companies can consider whether social networking sites can be used to promote their products or service and further adopt the Facebook application for business-related activities.


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