  • 學位論文


A Study on the Optimal Decision for Man-Machine Cooperation Costs of Coating of Steel Bridge

指導教授 : 顏上堯




The man and machine dispatching for the coating project of steel bridges are often under the principle of equal distribution based on the previous experience, which may be inappropriate and cause unnecessary cost expenditure. This paper explores the dispatch of machines and tools by the third-party in the coating project for a five-span continuous rigid frame bridge. By using linear integer programming to reckon the best timing for arranging man power and machines to station in the site, it expects to offer references for decision-makers in planning and management, so as to realize the minimum costs. With the sensitivity analysis based on the changing trend of sensitivity of each parameter, it computes the minimum value of required man power and machine in the workshop, to achieve the full utilization of man power and machine. Besides, it also compares the results obtained from the optimal pattern with that from common experience, verifying that the formers can effectively control the cost. Therefore, the research results are applicable for the planning of man and machine dispatching in the coating of steel bridge and help the decision-makers in planning.


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