  • 學位論文

建構精實生產管理流程研究- 以軟性電路板U公司為例

指導教授 : 林子銘


企業經營隨著市場供需變化,必須有快速反應及成本控制機制,雖然在暫時的競爭中處於領先優勢,但擺在這些公司面前的卻是更多的困擾。因為目前是處於成本邊緣,一個企業如果在快速擴展的同時,管理跟不上,品質管控不好,成本控制不下,也將很快會落伍。提到成本控制,這應該是每家企業經營的專利,凡是在競爭方面,立於不敗的公司,均能夠很好的控制成本。隨著工業科技的快速發展,如何在紅海競爭中,創造新的茦略及布局,產業界思考產品附加價值提升,能以更低製造成本生產,減少人力費用支出,提升產品競爭力,朝向產業自動化升級必經途徑。在電子資訊產業中,軟性印刷電路板在擴大應用於各電子資訊訊產品中,由於軟板特性,輕薄短小,在製造生產過程中,需要大量人工生產組裝,不僅容易因工作單調而出錯,而且產出速度慢,目前低階勞動人口嚴重不足,工資年年調漲。 中國大陸的工資高漲與缺工問題,間接衍生出品質控管的嚴重問題,一個管理不好的企業,可以輕輕鬆鬆地花掉全部營業額的15%到20%的品質成本上面。而一家具有良好品質管理方案的公司,可以只花營業額的2.5%於品質上面。而這2.5%只是用在預防和監督等必須的活動上,以便確保公司仍舊維持其一貫的卓越要求。而在製造成本方面,材料,工資,生產費用的降價是必然的降低成本的途徑。工資低、士氣低、生產效率低,必然增加生產費用的成本。工資以每年10%的速度上漲和民工流動性的增強,企業勞動力成本上升和工人穩定性降低,產品成本上升的同時品質穩定性下降,不良率居高不下,這就迫使勞動密集型行業尋求對人工的替代,最大限度地進行生產過程自動化。 本研究以精實生產管理(Lean Production)手法,豐田生產方式(Toyota Production System)為主軸,結合智能自動化(Intelligent Automation)技術/產品的持續發展與量產問世,從目標人力節省下展開,由於智動化涵蓋範圍材料選用,工序減化,流程改造,設備自動化,治工具設計,工單設計,品質驗證,相對更需要跨部門配合,才能展現整體效益,創造高績效高潛能團隊。


With the changes in market supply and demand business, it must have quick response and cost control mechanism, although a leading edge in the temporary competition, but in front of these companies is more due to interference. Because there is an edge in cost, if a company is rapidly expanding in the same time, poor management, poor quality control, cost control high, will soon be out of date. Mentioned cost control, this should be the business of every patent, all in competition, remain unbeaten companies were able to control costs well. With the rapid development of industrial technology, how to compete in the Red Sea, creating new prick slightly and distribution, industry, value-added products to enhance ponder, can lower the manufacturing costs of production, reduce labor costs, improve product competitiveness, towards industrialization Automatic upgrades necessary way. In the electronic information industry, the flexible printed circuit board in the expansion of information used in various electronic information products, since the soft board features, compact size, the manufacturing process, labor intensive production assembly, not only vulnerable to job monotonous and error, and Output speed is slow, the current serious shortage of low-level labor force, wage hike every year. Chinese mainland's rising wages and labor shortage, indirectly derived from the serious problems of quality control, poor management of a business, can easily be spent 15% to 20% of the total turnover of top quality costs. The company with a good quality management program, you can spend only 2.5% of turnover in top quality. And this is only 2.5% spent on prevention and supervision activities necessary to ensure the company still maintained its consistent excellence requirements. In terms of manufacturing costs, materials, wages, cost of production price is the inevitable way to reduce costs. Low pay, low morale, low productivity, will increase the cost of production costs. 10% wage rise and an annual rate of migrant workers increased mobility, corporate labor costs and workers' reduced stability, product quality and stability, while rising costs decline, poor rate remains high, forcing labor-intensive industries seeking to artificial alternatives to maximize the production process automation In this study, lean production management (Lean Production) technique, TPS (Toyota Production System) for the spindle, combined with intelligent automation (Intelligent Automation) technology / product development and mass production of continuous advent of manpower savings from the target to start, since Zhidong scope of material selection, process reduction, process transformation, equipment automation, governance tool design, work order design, quality authentication corresponding to more cross-sectoral cooperation must comply with, in order to show the overall efficiency of high potential to create high-performance teams.


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