  • 學位論文


Applying Internet of Things and Embedded System in Plant Breeding Equipment

指導教授 : 張榮森


本論文研究室內小型植物培育裝置,可用於種植室內觀賞植物或作為培養食用葉菜。其方法以嵌入式Linux系統為基礎,藉由望聯網技術來協助種植。系統包含三個部份:感測端、控制端、資料處理與存取。感測端有:水位計、土壤溼度計、PH酸鹼值計、EC電導計、溫度計以及IP Cam。控制端以Arduino開發板為核心,透過繼電器來控制馬達完成灑水、補充培養液的功能。資料處理端以Intel Edison開發板為基礎,建置有webserver,SQL 資料庫,對內儲存感測器資料,對外與行動裝置或個人電腦連結,並且搭配網路攝影機建立可遠端監視植物生長環境,讓使用者收到資訊以調節設備,使設備成為適合的種植環境。並且透過記錄蒐集,可以重現成功地種植經驗以輔助植栽。


嵌入式系統 物聯網


This study focuses on designing a small indoor gardening system. It can be used for cultivating ornamental plants and variety vegetables. The equipment helps people do indoor gardening by adopted IOT technology based on embedded Linux system. This system includes three parts. They are sensors, controlling circuit, and data processing. Sensors includes a water meter, a soil thermometer, a conductivity meter, a PH meter, a temperature meter and an IP cam. The controlling system is developed by Arduino MCU circuit. It controls relays to turn spray motor and water motor on and off. A web server and SQL database server are made for purposes of storing data from sensors and connecting PC or handheld devices with Intel Edison development board. At the same time, user can watch video of plant growing remotely by IP cam. Plant growing data can be collected by this system and make suitable environment adjustment in time. People can analysis collected data to copy and share their successful experiences in cultivating.


IoT Arduino


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