  • 學位論文


A Building Information Model-enabled Interactive Approach to Replaying Sensor Data for Situation Awareness

指導教授 : 周建成 林耕宇


資訊化且視覺化的模擬工作,對於基礎設施室內各方資訊的掌控以及安全的管理維護是非常重要的,同時也能夠提供一線救災人員更有效的了解設施整體的環境狀態。在科技飛越茁壯的今日,有著各式新穎技術與傳感器能夠即時探測設施內部的狀況,同時建築資訊模型也能夠有效提供特定設施內部的空間分布資訊,因此整合傳感器資料以及建築資訊模型之設施空間資訊則為一重要的研究目標。 Situation Awareness為本研究的重點應用,主要針對一段長時間範圍中,設施所有的物件狀態都能夠加以掌控,並且能夠依此推測短時間未來的狀況。因此本研究使用Unity遊戲引擎開發Infrastructure Automated Real-Time replay System (iARTS),針對建築資訊模型以及傳感器資料庫做整合,將基礎設施中傳感器監控到之溫度、空氣含碳量、各種電器的用電行為等狀態,建置成一個虛擬實境式的基礎設施狀態即時重播系統。iARTS可供使用者即時切換至室內各不同視角、播放與暫停模擬、提供設定不同需求參數的資料庫搜尋功能、供客製化物件狀態與傳感器參數、甚至能夠代換不同建築資訊模型與相對應的雲端傳感器資料庫。 綜合上述,iARTS不僅提供基礎設施安全管理一個專業的平台、縮短資料分析等相關研究作業時間,同時也支援更多的彈性與自由度。


For infrastructure safety management, monitoring the interior information through the visualization is an important work, and can also help the responsible stakeholders better perceive the current circumstances of the facility. Based on various types of sensors have been increasingly designed and deployed inside a building, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) that is capable of providing the most comprehensive geometry data of any specified infrastructure facility, further investigations into synthesize the sensed data with the facility data detailed in BIM is highly needed. Situation Awareness (SA) discipline is concerned as the main purpose, which focuses on the perception of elements in the environment within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future. Therefore this dissertation aimed to propose a platform, Infrastructure Automated Real-Time replay System (iARTS), which combined with BIM and sensory data that setup inside the infrastructure for detecting temperature, the air carbon quantity and the wattage of the electrical appliances, to provide a professional Virtual Reality (VR) visualization through Unity game engine for real-time replaying infrastructure status. The iARTS is flexible, managers can easily move around the scene, play or pause the replay time, input the parameters for database querying, customize the object status and sensors, and can even replace their own infrastructure BIM with the corresponding sensor database. In overall, the iARTS provides a professional and convenient tool for infrastructure safety management, and not only time-saving from traditional data analysis process, but also made a reality visualization to improve the maintaining.


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