  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳奇夆


本文開發一種小型太陽光導引系統,並且利用單晶片和線性致動模組控制的方式使此系統達到追日的功能,將太陽光由戶外導引至室內提供植物所需光源。 包含關鍵的幾個部分:集光模組部分,將市售的拋物面鏡,利用光學模擬軟體設計出反射鏡曲率與元件位置,以達到聚光的效果;導引模組部分,利用光導管傳輸,在經由導光板、白反射片、擴散板、稜鏡片後,使光源以均勻面光源出光;追日模組部分,利用太陽運行軌跡公式,計算出集光器對應位置,將程式輸入進單晶片中,利用單晶片控制 兩支線性致動器伸縮的變化,調整赤緯角和時角,達到被動式雙軸追日的效果。 最後由實驗結果得知,本研究證實以雙反射鏡、光導管、導光板、單晶片和線性致動器等元件,自行開發太陽集光、導引和追蹤系統的可行性。


集光 導引 追蹤


This thesis is to develop a small sunlight guiding system. We let the system follow sunlight tracing by using micro controller and linear actuator. The system guides sunlight from outdoor to indoor to provide plants for light. There are several main components about this system. The solar light collector module, using the parabolic-mirror provide from company and optical simulative software: ASAP to calculate the position and the curvature of the mirror to satisfy the requirement. For light guiding module, use optical fiber, light guiding plate, white-reflection plate, scattering plate and prism to make sure the light be uniform. And for the tracing module, record the position of sun trace and calculate the fitting position of this device. Then input the program data to micro controller, and control two linear actuator to adjust latitude angle and the time angle, to approach due axis passive sunlight tracing function. According to experiment data, this study prove that using device like: due-reflection mirror, optical fiber, light guiding plate, micro controller and linear actuator, developing sunlight tracing, collector and light guiding system will be possible.


collector light guiding sunlight tracing


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