  • 學位論文

軟體品牌社群中成員參與之研究 —以微軟品牌社群為例

Study of User Participation in Software Brand Community: The Case of Microsoft Brand Community

指導教授 : 范錚強


本研究主要為針對軟體產品品牌社群中志願參與的使用者及領先使用者的持續參與意圖與持續參與行為之研究。軟體產品品牌中著名的微軟公司透過建立了志願參與的領先使用者社群¬:微軟最有價值專家(Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals, MVP)參與旗下的兩大品牌社群- TechNet及MSDN來協助解決對於日漸增多的微軟產品使用者技術問題,這些MVP們積極地在微軟的品牌社群中實體及線上各項活動中熱心參與並分享他們的專業解決各項技術問題及展現他們的熱情來鼓勵更多的使用者參與。因此本研究根據計畫行為理論(TPB)加上品牌認同理論為基礎來探討三個認知的理論(品牌知識、社群規範壓力及社群承諾)對社群中成員的持續參與意圖的影響進行研究,另外針對MVP再加上考量上領先使用者(Lead User)理論等提出一個研究架構並使用MVP的真實行為資料來進行品牌社群中領先使用者成員的參與意圖與行為研究,而非僅止於持續參與意圖之研究。 研究中針對173份台灣及大陸地區的MVP收集實體問卷及135份台灣地區一般性的會員作線上問卷加以作分析。問卷結果分析指出一般成員的成員參與意圖受品牌知識、社群規範壓力及社群約束等的正向影響,而這三項因素又受品牌認同的正項因素影響。研究中進一步發現,社群中特殊的領先使用者成員- MVP的參與行為另外受到參與意圖及工作創新程度的調節效果影響。本研究證實品牌認同、品牌知識、社群規範壓力及社群約束對其參與意圖及行為的影響重要性。本研究結果可以做為企業建立社群品牌社群的基礎參考。


This study investigates the antecedents and the behavior of voluntary user and Lead Users in the software brand community—Microsoft brand community (MBC). Lead users in the MBC are called Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP). MVP is a voluntary program established by Microsoft to help user get technical answer from two Microsoft major brand community—TechNet and MSDN. MVPs are active in the company’s brand online community entities, and actively participate in the activities and share their expertise to solve technical problems and demonstrate their passion to encourage more participation from fellow members. A model is proposed based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, incorporating social intentions and three aspects of cognition (brand knowledge, normative community pressure, and community engagement) and beliefs (brand identification). This research attempts to look into behavior, instead of stopping at the level of behavioral intention. Data was collected from 173 Microsoft MVPs through a questionnaire survey administered during Taiwan and Greater China MVP Summit. 135 online survey answers were also collected from general community members. Analysis reveals that community participation intention is influenced by brand knowledge, normative community pressure and community engagement, which are influenced by their sense of identification towards the brand. Furthermore, participation intention, and in turn, affects MVPs’ behavior, which is moderated by their creativity relative level. This study confirms the importance of brand identity, brand knowledge, normative community pressure, and community engagement on their intention and behavior. The results can be a basis for companies to pay attention in building sound brand communities.


TPB Brand Idendification. Brand community Lead User


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