  • 學位論文


The empirical study of wage gap between officially employed labors and dispatched labors

指導教授 : 劉錦龍


1995年以前臺灣地區失業率除二次石油危機期間驟增外,長期維持在2%以下,2008年美國次級房貸危機所衍生全球金融海嘯,致使失業率大幅攀高,由1995年1.79%,升至2009年5.85%,暴增三倍左右,足見失業問題之嚴重性。隨著失業率的提高,派遣就業者占整體就業的比率也來到2010年上半年的5.16%,一般民眾對派遣就業者的直覺就是廉價勞工,而本研究在控制個人特質後,以OLS模型以得出國內派遣就業者的時薪較正職就業者低約5.72%至7.87%,且有逐年改善之趨勢。但在考慮自我選擇問題後,以Treatment Effects模型得出國內派遣就業者的時薪較正職就業者低約13.5%之結果。 文末依研究結果提出具體建議,盼能作為政府輔導企業使用勞動派遣等非典型就業者薪資及其它保障之施政措施參考,以提高全體勞工就業穩定度與薪資福利,維護勞動市場健全發展與社會大眾權益。


Before 1995 except the second oil crisis period, the unemployment rate is less than 2% in Taiwan. However, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis leads to the global financial crisis in 2008. This results in a sharp increase of unemployment rate, from 1.79% in 1995 to 5.85% in 2009. The tripled rate reflects how serious the unemployment problem is. As the rate increases, the ratio of dispatched labors to total labors increases to 5.16% in the first half of 2010. In general opinion, intuitively the wage of dispatched labors are relatively low. In this research, based on OLS model, we control the personal characteristics and find that the wages of dispatched labors are less than those of officially employed labors by about 5.72% ~ 7.87% of official labors’ wage. The difference in wage between the groups decreases year by year. But after adopting Treatment Effects Model and considering self-selection variable, we find that the difference increases to 13.5% of the official labors’ wage. Our findings may be considered in policy decisions which may improve the payment of dispatched labors, develop a sound labor market and increase public interest.


dispatch wage Treatment Effects Model


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