  • 學位論文


A study of how customer power influences Customer Support engineers'' willingness to share knowledge

指導教授 : 許秉瑜




Knowledge has become one of the key factors to sustain the organization’s competitive advantage. To encourage employee in an organization to share their knowledge, past studies have discussed reward systems, self-efficacy, and social norm. However, customer power could affect an organization’s decisive adoption. Thus, this study considered social power and integrated social power theory. Additionally, we integrated social exchange theory and social cognitive theory to examine personal motivation and knowledge self-efficacy. After this study collected and analyzed data from 16 countries, the result showed that reputation, reciprocity, and knowledge self-efficacy significantly affected intention to share knowledge. Additionally, customer power also significantly affected reciprocity, which in turn affected intention to share. The research model and hypotheses were supported by the empirical data. Therefore, we concluded that an organization involving customer service and commitment should focus on enhancing employee perception of customer power.


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