  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


本研究乃以台灣自動化氣動元件產業為背景,以工業自動化元件代理商V公司為個案進行研究分析,藉著回顧個案公司的發展、透過SWOT分析、價值鏈分析、五力分析與策略矩陣分析等,探討個案公司營運模式、審視大環境的限制、以便發展出面對既有市場的經營策略。 從產業的發展趨勢來看,氣動元件產品有其市場地位,短期不可能被取代。未來自動化元件將走向小型輕量化、壽命長、環保節能及醫療運用等四個方向。目前全球氣動元件技術以日本、德國及美國為領先國家,台灣品牌與韓國品牌在伯仲之間,政府應努力降低貿易壁壘,並協助台灣氣動品牌技術升級,迎頭趕上全球自動化市場的成長。  從代理通路商的角度來看,代理商的關鍵成本是庫存成本及人力成本,關鍵價值鏈是品牌、專業團隊、倉儲、資訊系統、通路、物流六大項,個案公司的成功之道是維持低庫存的庫存管理,發揮經理人實力的內部創業及利潤中心制,施行向下授權的區域責任制,靈活應變的專業團隊,以及降低風險的多品牌代理。短期策略目標是專注本業及拓展據點,中期策略目標是差異化,長期策略目標是多角化及建立健全制度。


氣動 自動化 策略 代理 通路 流體傳動 液壓 空壓


This is a research report of business strategy analysis for a Taiwan automation components agent. Through the case study of the components agent, V Company, this report will indicate the company development history, its current business model, the limitations of the environments and analysis the development strategies for current market. By the methodology of SWOT analysis, Porter''s Five Forces Model and Value Chain Model, Seetoo’s strategic matrix, the findings are as the following: From the industrial prospect, China is one of the rapidly growing potential market and ECFA makes Taiwan companies avoid the highly ASEAN products competition in China market. Automation components won’t be replaced in the short term. In the future, automation components industry will be focused on some areas as becoming light-weight, long product life, environment-friendly, energy-saving and medical used. Japan, Germany and the United States are the leading countries of automation components industry while Taiwan and South Korea are in the similar level. Taiwan government should reduce the trading barriers and assist Taiwan brand for technology upgrade to catch up the growing of global automation components market. From the company prospect, the key costs are inventory and human resources, and the key value chains are brand, professional team, inventory, information system, channel and logistics. The main reasons that caused the V Company being successful in the industry are minimizing the company inventory, encouraging Intrapreneuring, pushing Profit Center, executing Authorization with regional responsibility, and reducing the risks by diversification. The company short-term goal is consistently focus on the core business along with expanding branches. The middle-term goal is making the differentiation, and the long-term goal is diversification and establishing a complete business system.


strategy channel agent fluid power hydraulic pneumatic automation


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