  • 學位論文


The relationship between board characterictics, ownership structure and the value of corporate excess cash holdings:Evidence from China listed

指導教授 : 洪榮華 林翠蓉




This reaserch examines the relationship between board characteristics and the value of corporate excess cash holdings as well as the impact of ownership structure on this relationship. The sample contains the listed firms in China from 2003 to 2010 and obtains 11008 firm-year observations. The empirical results indicate that a larger board size may increase the value of corporate excess cash holdings. On the other hand, a higher percentage of independent directors in board and duality would decrease the value of corporate excess cash holdings. Moreover, when taking ownership structure into account, we find the higher the shares owned by the government, the lower the value of corporate excess cash holdings;. An increased state ownership does not influence the relationship between independent director proportion in board and the value of corporate excess cash holdings; Duality decreaces the monitoring function of the board, however, when the percentage of shares owned by government is close to that of private ownership, the value of corporate excess cash holdings increases. Finally, we further investigate the effects of Split Share Reform. The empirical results show that the improvement of corporate governance mitigates the agency problem, however, the reform of government ownership has little effect on the value of corporate excess cash holdings.


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