  • 學位論文


The Elementary Schoolchildren have Hakka Mixing Accent and its Coping Strategies:Three Elementary School in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 羅肇錦


本研究旨在探討國小學童客語混腔的情形,同時了解家長對於孩子發生客語混腔的看法,並嘗試分析造成客語混腔的成因以及因應策略。 客家語是一支多樣腔調的語言,大家或許覺得不標準沒關係,聽得懂能溝通就好,可是反觀,客語比賽、客語認證又為何如此強調腔調的正確性呢?因此,站在客家語要傳承的重要角色上,客語混腔似乎不得不重視。 研究方法分兩階段,第一階段:研究工具為研究者自編之國小學童客語混腔的成因與因應策略研究問卷。調查對象為南桃園縣三個學校之六年級孩童的家長98位。調查所得資料經編碼登錄後,應用SPSS/19版統計套裝軟體進行分析。第二階段:針對有客語混腔的學童進行深度訪談並收集語料,以期能呈現客語混腔的實際情形和補充量化結果。 本研究之結論歸納如下: 一、 樣本中,六年級孩童有近四成的有客語混腔的情形。 二、 孩童客語混腔與客語學習的語言環境和接觸時間點有關。 三、 客語混腔和學童沒有一種流利的客語腔調(客語能力)有關。 四、 客語混腔的因應策略 (一) 經由學校鄉土語言課程的配合,先學習一種腔調:我們無法避免孩子在家裡、社區中跟會說不同客語腔調家人或鄰居說話。再則,客語本身就是一支多樣腔調的族群語言,我們無法讓它的腔調變單一,因此,學校客語課程,儘可能配合家中常使用的客語腔調開課,並留意學童學習過程中客語師資腔調的一致性。 (二) 精熟客家語能力:在家、在學校、在社區多使用客語並利用大眾傳播工具多聽、多看輔助客語學習;多參加各項客語文競賽和客語認證以端正發音。


This study aimed to investigate the Hakka mixing accent of the elementary schoolchildren and to understand their parents’ view about this situation. After that, I try to analyze it’s causes and the coping strategies . Hakka language has variety of accents. But, if we feel that able to communicate is more important than having a good accent? Why we need to emphasis on the correct accent in the Hakka language certification or the competition? Therefore, playing as an important role to Hakka language heritage, the Hakka language mixing accent seems to have attention. Research methods are two stages: The first stage, instrument designed by the researcher is a questionnaire to investigate the parents’ views of sixth-grade children about Hakka mixing accent and it’s cause and the genesis accordingly. Survey of three schools in southern Taoyuan County and 98 parents. Login those coded survey data and analyzed it by using SPSS/19 software. The second stage,depth interviews and collection of the corpus for the the Hakka mixing accent of the children.It’s able to show the mixing accent of the actual situation of Hakka and complement the quantitative results. Findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. In these samples, nearly 40% of children are mixing accent. 2. Mixing accent of children is related to the Hakka language learning environment and the first timing to contact it. 3. The cause of Hakka mixing accent is not a fluent accent of Hakka language on children. 4. The coping strategies of mixing accent as belowed. (1)Through the course of Hakka in school with learning a kind of accent at first:We can not avoid the family members or neighbors to speak of the children with different Hakka accent. Furthermore, the Hakka language itself is a diverse accent of race language and we can not let it change a single. Therefore, the school Hakka language course, as far as possible with the family often used in Hakka accent and pay attention to consistency in accents of Hakka teachers. (2)Mastery of the Hakka language ability:At home、school and in the community, make more use of Hakka and use the communication tools to learn the Hakka.To correct the mixing accent by participating in various competitions of Hakka language and passing it’s official certification .


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