  • 學位論文


Incorporating Usability into Game-based learning systems

指導教授 : 陳攸華




Nowadays, game-based learning has become popular because it can provide many benefits for student learning. For example, students’ motivation can be enhanced and their learning effectiveness can be promoted. However, existing research has not paid much attention to improving the usability of game-based learning systems. In this vein, this dissertation aims to incorporate usability into the design of game-based learning systems by conducting two studies. Study One examines an existing game-based learning system based on Nielsen’s ten heuristics while Study Two implement solutions for improving the usability of game-based learning systems. A set of guidelines, which are produced based on the results of Study One, are further verified by proposed two game-based learning systems in Study Two. One game-based learning system is implemented based on Nielsen’s ten heuristics and the implementation of the other game-based learning is on the basis of Nielsen’s ten heuristics as well as a new heuristic, i.e., sufficient game elements. An empirical study is conducted to examine learners’ reactions to the proposed game-based learning systems. The results show that the proposed game-based learning system which considers usability and sufficient game elements is generally appreciated by students.


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