  • 學位論文


The Effects of Narcissistic Personality , Imaginary Audience, and Personal Fable Toward the Attitude of the Deviant Behaviors in Male Adolescent

指導教授 : 戴伸峰


本研究旨在探討一般少年及偏差少年在面對偏差行為態度時的差異是否有所不同,又這樣的差異是否由自戀傾向、個人神話與假想觀眾所致。本研究採用自編問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。研究過程採用的量表包括「自戀傾向量表」、「個人神話量表」、「假想觀眾量表」、「對偏差行為態度量表」。其中一般少年取樣自北、中、南區的國、高中生,回收有效共501人;偏差少年取樣自誠正中學、彰化少年輔育院及明陽中學回收有效共533人。 本研究資料以描述統計、探索式因素分析、驗證式因素分析、多變量變異數分析及結構方程模式等統計方法進行資料處理。研究結果於因素分析中發現,在自戀傾向中抽取出「剝削式權感」、「隱性自戀」、「謙虛感」、「虛榮」、「權利意識」等5個穩定因素;個人神話中抽取出「個人優越感」、「同眾性」、「自我獨特性」等3個穩定因素;假想觀眾中抽取出「自我中心」、「人際自我中心」等2個穩定因素;對偏差行為態度中抽取出「對偏差行為態度」1個穩定因素,所有因素之建構效度均獲得確認。 另一方面,本研究在變異數分析及結構方程模式中發現,相較於一般少年而言,偏差少年在面對偏差行為時的態度較為正向與支持。偏差少年自戀傾向因子、個人神話因子與假想觀眾等因子平均分數多數高於一般少年。由此可知,偏差少年之自戀傾向、個人神話與假想觀眾的平均分數較一般少年高,而這樣的結果影響偏差少年在面對偏差行為時的態度表現出較為同意飆車威風、抽煙很帥等行為。 最後,本研究根據研究差異結果,提出未來研究方向及教育政策相關建議。


The purpose of the present research was to understand different type of juvenile toward the deviant behaviors. The differences between normal and deviant juvenile may result from narcisstic personality, personal fable, and imaginary audience. This research collects data through questionnaires investigation. There are 501 samples of normal juvenile and 533 samples of deviant juvenile. The data analysis method includes descriptive statistic, factor analysis, multiple variances analysis, and SEM. According to the factor analysis consequence, we derive 5, 3, and 2 stable facors from narcissitic personality, personal fable and imaginary audience. All of factors are confirmed by construct validity. On the other side, the present research found that when facing the deviance, the attitude of deviant juvenile are more positive and consentient than normal juvenile. And then, the most of means of narcissistic personality factor, personal fable factor and imaginary audience factor of deviant juvenile are higher than normal juvenile. This consequence affect deviant juveniles’ attitude toward deviant behaviors are more positive and consentient. Finally, according to above findings, there are some education strategies and research direction in the future.


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