  • 學位論文


Do You Know about Queers’ Life?── A Research of Contemporary Queers’ Life Represented by Mickey Chen’s “Queer Trilogy”

指導教授 : 石岱崙


臺灣的當代知名同志紀錄片導演陳俊志,長年以來投注了大量心血在同志影像的記錄與再現,筆者在他的「同志三部曲」紀錄片──《美麗少年》、《幸福備忘錄》及《無偶之家‧往事之城》,看見了許多異性戀族群未曾了解的同志生活處境。身為同志的陳俊志導演在「同志三部曲」中,向社會大眾揭示了同志生活樣貌,讓大眾了解青年、成年、中老年同志生活中的甘與苦,破除對同志族群因不瞭解而造成的諸多迷思。在他的紀錄片中,除了記錄同志的故事外,也隱含了他自己的成長故事。因此,筆者以當代同志導演陳俊志的「同志三部曲」紀錄片為研究範疇,研究他在紀錄片中再現的同志生活處境。透過陳俊志的影像詮釋,剖析紀錄片中的同志生活樣貌,進而擴展同志紀錄片的學術領域。   筆者爬梳統整本研究的相關文獻,並概述當代的臺灣同志發展及同志平權運動,進而介紹陳俊志導演的創作生涯,以及他與其作品在同志平權運動上的意義。接著,筆者針對陳俊志的「同志三部曲」所記錄的受訪者與其人際關係、關切的生活議題,深入分析在陳俊志眼中所看見的同志生活樣貌。接著,筆者探討紀錄片再現的同志生活空間。最後,藉由陳俊志在「同志三部曲」中運用的敘事技巧,進而探討陳俊志的拍攝風格與創作動機,論述紀錄片中呈現的同志故事。


In Taiwan, a well-known queer documentary director, Mickey Chen, has been devoting a lot of effort to represent the images of queer. Many queers’ lives that heterosexual people never understood were shown in his queer trilogy, including Boys for Beauty, Memorandum on Happiness, and Scars on Memory. Being a queer, Mickey Chen exposed the happiness and sorrow in teenage, adult, and elderly queers’ lives within his documentary, to make the viewers understand queers’ lives. In addition to telling the queers’ stories, he also hided his growing story in his documentary. The purpose of this research is to find out the queers’ lives represented by “Queer Trilogy”.   The process of this research is to overview of the research about relative issues as the first step. Then, introduce the development of the queers’ movement in Taiwan and Mickey Chen’s growing story. Furthermore, focus on the interviewees in “Queer Trilogy”, including their rules in their lives, their relationship with others, and the issues they concerned, to analyze the queers’ lives the Mickey Chen wanted to represent. Then, discuss the queers’ living space. Finally, discuss the same parts and difference of the recording forms and styles in “Queer Trilogy”.


Gaston Bachelard著,龔卓軍、王靜慧譯,《空間詩學》(臺北市:張老師文化事業股份有限公司,2003)。
