  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳育仁


工會功能主要有政治性活動,普遍地謀求勞工社會地位及民生福祉的提升,另一則在透過經濟性的集體協商,以滿足協商當事工會所屬會員對於工作條件及就業條款上的要求,故工會是勞資關係重要的影響者。 台灣解嚴前,工會發展是壓抑的,改由政府出面來彌補勞方代言和協商力量不足的問題,積極干預個別勞動關係、提供勞工較高的法定勞動條件和工作保障基準,並逐步開辦社會保障制度,無異是由政府代替工會角色,也因此勞工的階層意識及團體需求趨弱。可知台灣集體協商的未能發展,根本原因還在政府於舊有的勞動政策及法制從未作結構性的調整,亦即工會組織及協商制度未重新規劃與檢討之故。團體協約法70餘年未曾修正,歷經社會經濟之變遷,與現行其他勞工法規有所出入,且缺乏對團體協商過程之相關規範,難以因應當前實際需要因此使得台灣目前瀕臨集體協商消失的危機。在產業關係系統的三個主要行動者之中,勞工及工會的力量最弱,若非依循政府既定的法規,即是由雇主作單方決定的狀態,而現行的團體協約法制不作協商程序的干預,使雇主或資方團體全然無需理會集體勞動關係。新集體勞動三法欲透過強制協商規範及誠信協商原則,有效提升團體協約之協商意願,並搭配勞資爭議處理法之裁決機制配套,有利建構勞資自主及自治精神。 本研究想透過以個案企業內勞資進行集體協商的過程及逹成共識後,締結規範勞資雙方權利義務的團體協約。期能藉此喚起雇主與工會願自主的推動集體協商進而簽訂團體協約,共創勞資雙贏。並且在新勞動三法驅動組織工會的意願下,本研究希冀藉集體的聲音透過集體協商,以補強法令之不足,以保障會員的勞動權益、提升勞動條件,更有助於勞資關係的穏定、和諧。


集體協商 團體協約


The main functions of trade unions are political activities, and generally seek the upgrading of labor social status, people's livelihood and well-being. In addition that the economy of collective consultation meets the consultation requirements of the parties’ trade unions to their members for the working conditions and employment terms. As the result, trade union has a great impact on labor relations. Before the martial law of Taiwan, the developtment of trade unions were suppressed and the government made up for labor endorsements and insufficient consultations. That was why the government not only actively intervened in the individual labor relations, labor higher statutory working conditions and job security benchmarks but also gradually established the social security system. Therefore, the government played a major role of the trade union and the class consciousness of labors and groups demand was getting weaker. The collective bargaining could not progress, the reason was still the old labor policies and the legal system had never been for structural adjustment, trade unions and consultation system were not re-planning and reviewing. After the social-economic changes, the Collective Agreement Law has never been amended more than 70 years, and was different from other labor regulations. With the collective bargaining process specifications deficiency, Taiwan is currently the verge of extinction of collective bargaining. Among the three main factors of the industrial relations system, the power of labor and trade unions are the weakest. If it does not follow the established laws and regulations of the government, the employers make unilateral decision.The current collective agreement legal system is not for the intervention of the consultative process, so that employers or employer groups completely disregard the collective labor relations. The three methods for new collective labors through mandatory consultation practices and integrity of the consultation principle which effectively enhance the consultation will of the collective agreement, and with a labor dispute adjudication mechanisms supporting the processing method, enabling construction of the labor - management autonomy and the spirit of autonomy. Theses case studies conduct labor collective bargaining process and reach a consensus after the conclusion of collective agreements that regulate the rights and obligations of both employers and employees. To stimulate public awareness of employers and trade unions are willing to self-promote collective bargaining in order to sign a collective agreement to create a Labour win-win situation. And the willingness of the three methods of the new labor union which drives to organize trade unions. The purpose of this study hopes to reinforce the inadequacy of the Act by the collective strength, protecting the labor rights of members, improving the working conditions through collective bargaining, contributing to the stability of labor relations and harmony.


吳育仁,2010,〈台灣集體協商法律政策之分析〉,《台灣勞動評論》第2卷2 期,353-370頁。
陳正良,2010,〈台灣工會協商結構-朝向較集權模式作發展〉,《台灣勞動評論第》2 卷1期,21-62頁。
Barbash. J.,1984. “The Elements of Industrial Relations” Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press.
