  • 學位論文


A Study of Evaluation Mechanism for Cloud Computing Service Quality Based on ITIL

指導教授 : 張益誠 張碩毅


雲端運算是近幾年資訊服務業最熱門的主題,在政府與企業大力配合及推行下,使得服務範疇大幅擴張。企業為了提升IT服務能力,紛紛導入資訊科技基礎架構庫(Information Technology Infrastructure Library, ITIL),作為IT服務管理的工具,ITIL V3納入IT服務管理生命週期的概念,提供IT服務指導方針及最佳實務的說明。本研究認為以往文獻服務品質衡量之模型,著重於認知服務或顧客滿意度,換言之,過度重視顧客之認知感官,卻未配合供應商端提供服務的生命週期做評估,故將加入ITIL為架構,發展雲端運算服務品質之機制。 本研究採Gowin’s Vee做為研究策略。在理論端由文獻探討方式蒐集關於資訊服務品質衡量之問項,並歸納出一套以ITIL為基礎之五大生命週期模組、19支流程與51個衡量項目之雲端運算服務品質評估機制雛形。接續透過德爾菲專家問卷提請相關專家討論與提出建議,確立適合用來當作雲端運算服務之衡量項目共44項。接下來則以層級分析法,再一次透過專家意見,決定模組間、流程間與衡量項目間之相對權重,確立該機制下各衡量項目之重要性。最後,透過問卷調查法量測,觀察本研究評估機制實際使用狀況。 藉由本研究,期望能夠提供一套兼顧雲端服務供應商與使用者感受之雲端運算服務品質評估機制,不僅可提供雲端服務供應商自我衡量服務品質是否良好,確保IT服務品質能滿足使用者需求,增進 IT 服務的品質,亦可讓顧客作為篩選服務供應商的參考量表。


Cloud computing has been an important issue in the industry of information services, and cloud computing services have expanded among government organizations and enterprises. Some enterprises have implemented ITIL in order to improve their IT service capabilities. ITIL V3 provides the optimal IT practice and IT service guidelines because it embodies the life-cycle of IT service management. Most importantly, past literature of service quality only focused on cognitive service and customer satisfaction without paying attention to suppliers’ service management life-cycle. Accordingly, this study will further adopt the ITIL as the framework to develop mechanisms of cloud computing service quality. This study uses Gowins Vee as the research strategy. On the theory side, related information on service quality measurement items is collected through literature review, and based on ITIL, a cloud computing service quality assessment mechanism prototype is built. On the practical side, through Delphi questionnaire, experts’ suggestions are gathered to confirm the adequateness of the 44 measurement items of cloud computing. Afterwards, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is employed to measure weights between modules, processes, and measurement items. Finally, through the questionnaire approach, practical use of the generated mechanism is examined. It is hoped that this study can provide both suppliers and users with an assessment mechanism of cloud computing service quality. Through the generated mechanism, cloud service suppliers are able to evaluate whether their service quality satisfy users’ need; on the other hand, users can use this mechanism to select ideal suppliers.


Service Quality Cloud Computing Service ITIL


薛義誠、陳志偉,2009,以軟體即服務(SaaS) 探討企業創新資訊服務之採用,中華管理學報,10(4),頁1-16
