  • 學位論文


Fabrication Of Periodical Nanostructures On CIGS Thin Film By Laser Interference Lithography

指導教授 : 王祥辰


本論文內容為利用雷射干涉微影 (laser interference lithography)與濕蝕刻圖形轉移技術分別製作四方孔洞奈米結構與六邊形孔洞奈米結構於銅銦鎵硒薄膜上,週期約500nm,深度約100~200nm。為了製作品質良好的蝕刻光阻(SU-8 2000.5)母膜,我們利用濕蝕刻的特性解決CIGS表面的不平整,已可成功製作圖形轉移所需的光阻母膜於CIGS薄膜的表面。 另外我們也成功量出薄膜反射率的變化,拋光表面CIGS的反射率為26.34%,原始粗化試片的反射率為24.21%,四方孔洞奈米結構的反射率為22.41%,六邊形孔洞奈米結構的反射率為16.84%,總反射率四方奈米結構下降14.91%,六邊形奈米孔洞結構下降36.05%。 我們已成功做出將奈米結構製作於銅銦鎵硒薄膜上,隨著不同的蝕刻秒數做變化,並找到最佳化的參數,其具有大面積和小週期的奈米結構於CIGS薄膜。


In this study, the laser interference lithography and wet etching process on CIGS thin film has been discussed. We used laser interference lithography technique and wet etching to transfer the square and the hexagnal periodical pattern nanostructures on Copper Indium Gallium Selenide(CIGS) thin films, the period of grating was about 500nm, and the depth was about 100nm~200nm. In order to fabricate a superior quality mask of photoresist(SU-8 2000.5) for wet etching transfer that on the CIGS thin film by laser interference lithography. We used the wet etching to polish the CIGS surface and solve the problem of CIGS surface roughness. Therefore we has been fabricated the 1D and 2D pattern mask of photoresist for etching transfer that on CIGS thin film. In addition, we also measured the reflectance of different nanostructures surface on CIGS thin films. The reflectance of polished, textured, squared nanostructures, and hexagnal nanostructures CIGS thin films surface was 26.34%, 24.21%, 22.41%, and 16.84%, respectively. Comapred to polished CIGS thin films surface, the total reflectance of square and hexagnal nanostructures CIGS thin film surface was decrease to 14.91% and 36.05%, respectively. The fabrication of nanostructures on CIGS thin film has been discussed, and we find out the optimal parameters in etching time, then we produced the large area and small period nanostructures on CIGS thin film.


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