  • 學位論文

德國移民政策變遷之探討: 以土耳其移民為例

Discussion on the Change of German Immigration Policy: A Case Study of Turkish Immigrants

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


摘要 國際移民是一個持續性的人類歷史現象,在過去的歷史上已經存在很長一段時間,移民在全球化浪潮下的今日,全球的移民也對國家社會造成了影響,因此其所帶來的困擾與問題也不容忽視。 德國於第二次世界大戰後,為了重建國家、復甦經濟,自1950年代引進客籍工人,其後隨著其他國家的尋求庇護者與難民、全球化的發展,大量的移民進入德國。現今在德國人口中即有8%為外籍人士,其中包括持有德國護照或具有移民背景。隨著移民人口的增加,不同文化的外來移民如何融入德國社會,也成為德國政府現今關注的課題之一。 本論文旨在探討德國的移民相關政策,以在德國的土耳其移民為例,了解在德國的移民處境。


Abstract International migration is a persistent phenomenon in human history. This phenomenon has existed for a long time. Today in the wave of globalization, immigration is transforming the societies, and we need to face these problems, which coming by international migration. In the 1950s, Germany began to introduce guest workers from other countries, in order to balance the labor force. The main purpose is reviving the post-war economic and rebuilding the homeland. In the same time, many Asylum seekers and Refugees also came to Germany. Today, eight per cent of the population consists of foreigners, including those who have a German passport or be considered persons with a migration background. With the increase of the immigrant population, how the immigrants integrate into German society, has become a subject of the German government. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the immigration-related policies in Germany. Turkish immigrants in Germany will be the main discussion.


Saskia Sassen著、黃克先譯,客人?外人?遷移在歐洲(1800~)(台北:國立編譯 館與巨流,2006年)。
Deutscher Bundestag, Gründgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Berlin: Deutscher Bundestag, 2010).
