  • 學位論文

女性菁英政治參與之分析- 以臺南市第一屆女性市議員為例

指導教授 : 廖坤榮


摘要 不論在過去或者現在,政治主宰權力和資源的分配,任何人皆擺脫不了政治的管轄,女 性的生活一直受到政治及國家政策的影響,但從女性主義觀點看,並沒有產生太大的實質改 變,不過是換了一批人掌握權力,女性主義認為女性與國家的關係不是不能改變的,女性既 然無法逃避國家的管理與統治,就應該主動參與政治,成為政治的主體,改變女性的處境。 本研究透過對現任女性市議員的深度訪談,釐清女性參政現狀的影響因素,分析女性參 政的優、劣勢,並比較與男性政治菁英的差異性,並結合菁英理論與女性主義的視角,了解 影響女性參政與政治權力中心的因素與其實際遭遇的困境。 訪談對象為臺南市第一屆女性議員,受訪者共計15 人,根據深度訪談的分析結果發現: 女性仍受限於性別意識形態而對參政卻步,在女性從政者中以家庭與丈夫的支持為主要考 量,較為遺憾的是多數女性從政者都無生涯規劃,但值得喜悅的女性從政者的表現已由配角 轉主角。 女性適不適合從政這儼成以不是議題,從研究當中可看出明確的答案,隨著時代的演變, 男女平權政策的落實,女性以實力來證明女性不再是弱者,但畢竟南部還存在著城鄉差距, 所以仍有相當大的空間需要努力,受訪的女性議員與一般女性沒有兩樣,一般女性會遭遇到 的問題,在她們身上也會發生,只是這些女性議員比一般女性勇敢,願意接受不一樣的人生 挑戰。 關鍵字:女性參政、女性議員、女性主義、菁英理論、婦女保障名額、政黨政治


Abstract Whether in the past or the present, politics has always controlled power and resources, and nobody can escape from politics. The lives of women have also been under the influence of politics and national policies. However, from the feminist perspective, women’s lives have not changed much. There has been nothing but changes in who seizes power. Feminists argue it is possible to change the relationship between women and country. Since women cannot escape from national legislation, then they can take the initiative to enter into politics, to become a subject of politics, and to change the situation that women have been facing for such a long time. In this study, through interviews with female councilors, influential factors in female participation in politics are identified, and the related pros and cons are analyzed. This research also compares female participation in politics with their male counterparts. From the viewpoint of elitism and feminism, this study tries to identify factors that influence female participation in politics, and difficulties women may encounter in real life. The 15 interviewees are the first generation of female councilors of Tainan City. From the analysis of the interviews, this study finds that the participation in politics by women is still limited by gender role ideology. The key hindrance that female politicians face is the degree of support from husbands and family. It is a pity that most women do not have political aspirations. Yet it is still good to see that women are now in the center of the political arena. Without a doubt, the participation in politics by women is no longer controversial. This study shows that under the concept of gender equality, women can indeed prove themselves. However, gaps exist in rural and urban areas such as southern Taiwan, where there is still room for improvement with regards to this issue. Those interviewed are no different from other women. They all face difficulties in their lives, but they demonstrate an inner strength that allows them to face different challenges. Keywords:participation in politics by women, female councilor, feminism, elitism, reserved seats for women, party politics


姜貞吟,2009 年12 月,《女性作為政治行動者-臺灣女性參政圖像的反思》,臺灣社會研究
