  • 學位論文


A Study on Assignment and Leadership Character of Female District Directors: A Case Study of Tainan City Government

指導教授 : 李佩珊


本文採用質性研究的深度訪談及文獻分析法,主要探討直轄市女性區長遴派與領導特質之相關議題;並藉由訪談對象現任區長、同陞遷序列女性主管、儲備區長與卸任區長之意見,獲致現行區長遴派制度、核心職能、性別角色、角色衝突、領導特質、領導困境與因應對策,及女性區長比例偏低之觀點,透過資料歸納分析後,據以提出研究結論及建議。 本研究結果發現:分有區長遴派制度、區長核心職能、女性區長比例偏低因素及女性區長領導特質之四個構面做細部說明。另針對研究發現,提出具體改善建議:應訂定完善的區長遴派制度,以建立更客觀的評量指標;落實機關公所間之調任歷練,培養人員宏觀思維;落實機關公所間之調任歷練,培養人員宏觀思維;建構區長核心職能並隨時修正,方能遴選適任人員;破除自我設限,追求實踐自我方向;掌握時間管理的技巧,以兼顧家庭與工作;強化女性主管專業知能,建立人際網絡資源;發揮柔性領導之優勢,樹立專業領導之形象。


This paper adopts qualitative in-depth interviews and document analysis method to mainly investigate issues related to assignment and leadership character of female district directors in municipalities. By interviewing existing district directors, female directors at the same promotional order, district director associates, and former district directors, the researcher collected opinions on assignment system of existing district directors, core occupational competencies, the role of gender, leadership character, leadership dilemma and responsive measures, and lower ratio of female district directors. After datainduction and analyses, research conclusion and suggestion are proposed. According to research result, four dimensions of assignment system of district directors, core competencies of district directors, and low ratio of female district directors, and leadership character of female district directors are discussed in details. Additionally, concrete suggestion for improvement is proposed based on research result including the building of more objective measurement indicators for better assignment system of district directors; implementation of transfersystem of city government and district offices to cultivate macro scope of thinking; development of core competencies of district directors for selecting suitable personnel; removal of self limitations for self-realization; command of time management skills to take care of family and work; enhancement of professionalism of female directors for the building of interpersonal network; realization of advantages of female leaders to build the professional image.


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