  • 學位論文


A Study on the Leadership Traits, Styles and Dilemmas for Female Managers of Local Administration Agency

指導教授 : 王親仁


隨著時代的轉變與教育的普及,女性領導者相關議題逐漸受到重視,縱使中外社會仍存在「男尊女卑」及「男主外、女主內」之觀念,使她們在職場上面臨許多困境與抉擇,進而阻礙其追求自我實現的機會,仍無法阻絕女性思潮的覺醒。再者,近幾年地方行政機關女性主管所佔比例,亦有逐年增加趨勢,對未來我國人力資源運用也扮演著日益重要的角色,因此,如何在傳統思想環境下,對女性主管個人領導特質、領導風格以及在家庭中或職場上面臨困境的分析,有助於瞭解成功女性主管的關鍵因素,進而提升女性主管領導效率。   本研究透過文獻回顧瞭解影響領導特質與風格因素,進而利用問卷調查法,分析縣(市)政府各局課室之局長、副局長、科長及股長等行政機關女性主管領導特質、風格與面臨困境。實證研究發現我國女性地方行政主管具有下列的領導特質、風格與面臨困境。   在領導特質方面,女性主管在職場上不僅重視如何帶領部屬達成組織目標,亦重視能否激勵部屬發揮潛能,從中成長,同時具備主動分享資訊、時常激勵部屬、傾聽部屬需求、重視部屬成長教育、經常與部屬深度交談的領導特質。   在領導風格方面,女性主管對於部屬工作的認定,依其經驗大部分傾向於Y理論,即自動自發的,偶爾認為部屬是屬於X理論的好逸惡勞。此外,女性主管非常重視以員工為中心的理念,其領導風格以民主型為主,權威型與放任型為輔。   在面臨困境方面,女性主管曾遭受最大困擾為交際應酬問題,其次為托育問題。至於性別議題所造成的困擾並沒有預期的大。因此,服務機關或女性主管在拔擢人才時,大部分以工作能力為主,很少將性別納入考量範圍。另外,她們認為我國地方行政機關高階女性主管偏低主要原因為性別歧視。而兩性工作平等法施行後對未婚女性主管在性騷擾及性別歧視方面有很大的幫助,對於已婚者則無任何影響。


Because of the times changes and the growth of education, the issue of the female managers is more and more important in this century. Although there is no further analysis for the female managers` traits and leadership styles, it`s unable to obstruct the trend of female thingking. Women in the society were limited by traditional thought, they must face a lot of dilemmas and choices that make them unable to self-actualization. Furthermore, the female managers are increasing recently because of the education growth. They play important roles in our national manpower, so analyzing their leadership traits, styles and dilemmas are useful to know how they achieve success and improve their leadership efficiency.   This research will analysis the female managers` traits and styles of influencing their leadership by reviewing the literature, then discuss the female managers leadership traits , styles and dilemmas of local administration agency .   This research has following conclusions related to leadership traits, styles and dilemmas for the female managers of local administration organinations.   Speaking of leadership traits, female managers are not only guiding people to achieve the goal of agencies, but also want to make themselves improved. The female managers` leadership traits include sharing information, encouraging people, emphasizing listening, making people improved, and talking with peoplein depth.   Speaking of leadership styles, female managers adapt Y theory to make the attributed assumption of employees ,but they would transfer to X theory sometimes. Moreover, female managers emphasize employee-oriented. On the other hand, they primarily use democratic leadership style in cooperating with authoritative and laissez faire styles are secondary.   Speaking of the female managers` dilemmas, the most dilemmas is social aspects, and they usually spend about 10 hours to work everday. Due to their husbands strongly supporting their assisting , baby care is no longer the dilemmas to the female managers. Besides, there`s no dilemmas on sexual issue, because it has been promoted by the career. Both female managers and their agencies are seldom to think about the gender as the key factor for choicing their employee. They think the most important factor to choice employee is work ability. Furthermore, the sexual discrimination is the main reason resulted in few high-level female managers in local administration. Finally, the gender equality in employment law is helpful for the unmarried female managers in sexual harassment and sex discrimination, but there is uselessness to the married female managers.


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